Film Reviews by AS

Welcome to AS's film reviews page. AS has written 62 reviews and rated 76 films.

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Little Humour Evident

(Edit) 21/01/2022

This years entry for the most boring film of the year competition. The characters are wooden, the dialogue basic and repetitive -- very hard to sustain any engagement with this offering.

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A Story that starts well

(Edit) 08/11/2021

A story which starts by the shplifters rescuing an abandoned young girl and taking her into their ad hoc family. But the story soon begins to deteriorate into a depressing sequence of events. Only for those with strong stomachs and an appetite for watching other people go down.

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Life Itself

A Great Disappointment

(Edit) 03/09/2021

The film's description gave me the impression that this would be a cheerful story of a couple's progress from University through various careers and family situations with the usual ups and downs. Instead it was a depressing account of fatal accidents, bloody suicides and extended depression and gloom. Must appeal to some but not my cup of tea.

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WWII: The Long Road Home

A Low-Key story of Integrity

(Edit) 21/11/2020

If you are looking for a dramatic action movie, this is not the film to see.

It's strength is in its accurate portrayal of the real horrors of war -- the long periods of stultifying boredom followed by heavy violence, the damage done by long periods of isolation and emotional separation etc. There is the ongoing contrast between the beauty of Nature contrasting with the destructive thoughts and actions of the war participants.

The low-key "hero" stays focused on getting home to his wife and child -- following his intuition rather than just making mental assumptions.

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Ciao Ciao

One of the worst films I have ever seen

(Edit) 13/10/2020

In searching for something positive to say about this film about the only comment I came up with was the scenery around the village was pleasant. The characters were crude, deceitful and ultimately boring. If you are seeking some soft porn, there are low grade examples which are also boring. If this was a propaganda piece about how communism kills the human spirit, then it would have some relevance.

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Sick Note: Series 1

An Abominable and Tasteless attempt at comedy

(Edit) 18/05/2020

One can suppose that there are some people who watched this series and enjoyed the non-stop foul language and sewer-level characters who lie, cheat and deceive each other with ever greater intensity, but this household was not among them. What a waste of potentially good acting talent.

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Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri

A Remarkable Story

(Edit) 18/04/2020

The film is exceptional in its plot and how it has been produced. Brilliant low key acting which could be used by drama schools! The end leaves us to imagine our own conclusion from a situation of a totally unexpected alliance. One of the best films I have watched this year.

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Official Secrets

Brilliant Political/spy Drama

(Edit) 10/03/2020

How refreshing to watch a brilliant production based on an outstanding true story about the detection and exposure of political corruption of the highest degree. Hint: think tony Blair.

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The Little Drummer Girl

Below Standard for a John Le Carre story

(Edit) 05/03/2020

Well filmed and produced, I found the characters superficial and hard to believe in. The Israelis were accurately portrayed as ruthless thugs and the Palestinians as the underdogs fighting back. But I lost interest in the espionage theatre. Quite disappointing.

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Self Indulgence by the Director coupled with close to zero content

(Edit) 13/02/2020

If you are interested in the extreme boredom of the crew's life on a merchant ship, this is the film for you. This level of emptiness is maintained when the lead character visits his parents and nothing happens. If you desperately want to experience this film, it's best to keep your finger on the fast forward button.

The whole content could be put into a short film of 15 minutes or so, rather than the painfully stretched 80 minutes of this unfortunate creation.

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Manifest: Series 1

An outstanding Thriller in Depth

(Edit) 28/01/2020

A thriller where the characters are well defined and totally believable. The plot has many subtleties yet maintains its forward progress admirably.

There are a good number of exciting climaxes to contrast with the moments of feeling and depth.

Can't wait for the second series ...

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New Depths in Scandinavian Depression

(Edit) 27/01/2020

A well acted but excruciatingly boring and depressing film. If you enjoy watching lesbians, you may get a thrill but otherwise this is a plodder's nightmare.

The original part of the story is in the treatment of Thelma's supernatural powers to get rid of people who stand in her way or otherwise annoy her -- particularly if they are male. Apparently she inherited this talent from her grandmother. So Thelma turns out to be morally deadbeat as well as a lesbian.

Well worth a miss ....

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Let the Sunshine In

Terrible Film

(Edit) 31/12/2019

This is an appalling film, despite Juliette Binoche's best efforts. The scriptwriter needs to be put out to pasture and left there. There is a positive note in the last scene where Binoche's character receives the wise advice to go within herself to find solutions to her life challenges, rather than searching for a new lover as "the answer".

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A Blend of soft Porn and Mediocre Drama

(Edit) 27/12/2019

One of the worst films I have ever sat through for its utter lack of talent coupled with poor taste. How anybody could give this film 5 stars is a mystery.

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Salting the Battlefield

An outstanding conclusion to the trilogy

(Edit) 10/11/2019

An outstanding cast bring out the fine nuances in David Hare's brilliant spy story. An exciting and unexpected conclusion to the story unfolding from Page Eight through Turks and Caicos. Strongly recommended.

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