Film Reviews by AS

Welcome to AS's film reviews page. AS has written 62 reviews and rated 76 films.

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The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

A Brilliant Insight into the 21st Century Human Dilemma

(Edit) 09/10/2018

An outstanding story of a personal search for truth against the background of a low grade corporate environment. The hero breaks out and finds his new life of love and creation in a most unusual and sometimes tantalizing way.

This is Ben Stiller's finest performance and his hero and supporting characters are well developed and actually interesting. My wife and I laughed so much at some of the scenes, while enjoying others for their warmth and beauty.

Probably not the best film for folks who want to analyse everything to the last spec.

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Yours, Mine and Ours

Third rate Slaptick

(Edit) 31/07/2018

A remake of an otherwise excellent film, this parody of slapstick and spilt paint is a total disaster. A total waste of time.

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Virgin Territory

Worst Film of the Year

(Edit) 26/07/2018

A film with non-characters and no meaningful plot -- an absolute disgrace. The director seems to think that extra nudity is some kind of substitute.

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Blue Ray CD version a shadow of Cinema Version

(Edit) 11/07/2018

Who ever cut this film down to 106 minutes needed retraining. If I had not previously seen the whole film in the cinema previously, I would not have had a clue what was going on in multiple scenes. If you want to enjoy a well-made film, find a cinema in which to watch it.

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A well made Film

(Edit) 05/06/2018

A very well made and acted film but a little thin in the plot department. Appealing if you enjoy the small nuances of life.

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A Dog's Purpose

Lasse Hallstrom's best film yet

(Edit) 01/03/2018

This film is a delightful combination of warm-hearted entertainment along with a profound presentation about how re-incarnation works. Because we see it happening to a dog soul, it's easier to take it in than if it was presented as happening to a human soul.

The film accurately presents the remarkable psychic capabilities of dogs, who tune in to their owners and can read their minds without having to learn the English language.

Not recommended for the cynically minded!

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The Concert

An unusual combination of good comedy coupled with some unsavory political propaganda

(Edit) 01/03/2018

Overall, a fun film to watch with a high standard of acting and dramatic moments. However, for those who have friends who survived the very challenging conditions of living under Bolshevik communism, there is a great misrepresentation that it was the Jews in Russia who were the victims of the communist tyranny, rather than the Christian Russians. The fact is the majority of the political commissars were Jewish and thus the Jewish musicians were rarely targeted.

Going beyond political truths, a film worth watching.

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Man of the Year

A Best for Robin Williams

(Edit) 11/01/2018

A brilliant balance between great ripples of humour and the presentation of a very plausible insight into American corporate corruption. Outstanding cast present believable characters -- best film I've seen in years.

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Legends of British Comedy: The Very Best of Pete and Dud

An Enormous Disappointment

(Edit) 28/12/2017

The film title gives a clear impression that it contains film of the best skits by these talented comedians.. I was appalled to find that it was 90% a bunch of reviewers talking about Dud and Pete with a 30 second glimpse of the actual humour. A totally wasted rental. This is an extended review -- not a comedy presentation.

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An original story which unfolds with many surprises.

(Edit) 23/12/2017

A thought provoking story which allows the viewer to feel what it's like to be each character -- the pace is slow enough for some real depth to be experienced.

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A Brilliant Insight into the world of physical mortality

(Edit) 23/12/2017

A sensitive story of how an artistic couple experience the transition to the next world -- avoiding the horrors of modern hospitals.

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The Lobster

One of the worst films I have ever seen

(Edit) 14/12/2017

Avoid this pretentious and vicious rubbish at all costs. I guess it's not surprising to find that it is EU funded..

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The Intern

Hilarious and Inspiring

(Edit) 13/12/2017

A very well-scripted story with interesting insights into the management challenges of a fast-growing entreprenurial company with healthy people attitudes. None of the cult and politically correct nonsense which goes on at Google, for example.

The story proceeds at a brisk pace but allowing the various subplots to evolve well.

First class entertainment ...

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Dark Blue World

Excellent story

(Edit) 29/11/2017

Convincing drama set against background of Battle of Britain and subsequently. Shows some of the ironies of life unfolding in the lives of two close friends -- whether deserved or undeserved. Good action scenes.

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The Sense of an Ending

An Exquisite Unfolding of a Complex Plot

(Edit) 21/11/2017

One of the most genuine and plausible stories of individuals battling to reach out and connect with their fellow beings, while ensnared in a mass of emotional tentacles of restrictive values from 50 years back. We see some of the characters struggle successfully to go beyond these constraints, while others wither or even die.

Brilliant acting and plot development.

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