Film Reviews by AS

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The Reader

Another Harvey Weinstein propaganda film but brilliantly acted and directed

(Edit) 20/11/2017

The film's strength is the brilliant acting from Kate Winslet, Bruno Ganz and Ralph Fiennes -- along with excellent fast-moving direction.

The film's weakness is the total implausibility of the story for those people who have actually researched what happened in the final stages of the war, rather than just believing the Hollywood propaganda line. With the truth about Weinstein's totally corrupt nature having come to the surface, we don't need to automatically believe his political propaganda.

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A fascinating examination and portrayal of a crucial decision point faced by Sully after bot engines

(Edit) 24/10/2017

An interesting juxtaposition of the original Sully with Tom Hanks dramatic replication. The unexpected subplot is the harassment from the crash investigators -- almost as if they had been bribed by the insurance company or the airline itself.

Great film to watch ...

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