Film Reviews by Al

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Jurassic World: Dominion

Below standard

(Edit) 09/06/2023

Graphics -very good

Film - bland. All been done before nothing  new.   Characters are all stereotypes. Nothing wrong with film just nothing out of ordinary.

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Worzel Gummidge: Series 4

Old Worzel

(Edit) 13/03/2023

Brilliant!!  Really good to watch this after no many years.  Harmless fun. Good story lines. And with Cat Weazle as well   Plenty of other well known stars.  My kids loved it as well. 

The ‘new’ Worzel is also very good

Just hearing “ere Aunt Sally” takes me right back  

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Mrs. Brown's Boys: Holly Jolly Jingles

Is Mrs Brown still funny?

(Edit) 27/02/2023

I'm now thinking Mrs Brown has run her course. It is the same old stuff. Amusing YES, funny NO. If you love Mrs Brown then you'll like this one. If you can take it or leave it then it will be watched once and put on the shelf.

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Please Turn Over

Please Turn Over

(Edit) 21/01/2021

If you want s good old black and white film this is one I recommend.  Simple plot, good acting and easy to watch.


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The Goes Wrong Show: Series 1

The Goes Wrong Show - and it always does.

(Edit) 20/02/2020

Brilliant. Funny. Crazy. Daft. Probably many more as well.

This is so funny, I laughed out loud. A 30min play where nothing goes right, from scenery collapsing to scenery constructed to the wrong size. and lots more. I think there are 6 plays in all.

If you like wacky comedy then this is for you. I am now looking forward to seeing them live somewhere.

Charlie Russell has the most amazing sideways looks. Watch it and you'll know what I mean.

Highly recommended.

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I loved it!

(Edit) 20/08/2019

Brilliantly funny.  Hilarious characters. 

If you know the Horrible Histories crew and lately the Ghosts comedy crew you’ll love this

Can’t recommend it enough. If you like your comedy for highbrow then this is not for you. But if you just like a good laugh then watch this.....and Ghosts which has just been released on dvd

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Gentleman Jack: Series 1

Excellent drama

(Edit) 20/08/2019

I had read 2 books on this woman and her life and Surranne Jones captures her perfectly

She was an unlikeable, rude and arrogant woman, in my opinion. But she got the job done. From running a mine to travelling around Europe

Sophie Ruddle played really well as a wimpish love interest

Highly recommended and can’t wait for series 2 

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Ghosts: Series 1

The brilliant 'Ghosts

(Edit) 07/05/2019

Obviously not watched the DVD version yet. But I have watched the series on TV. Brilliant and funny.

All the characters are well thought out. One of the best bits is the ghost without his trousers. You'll find out why if you watch the show. All the characters are stereotypes, but that is what makes the program work.

Most if not all come from the Horrible History series of programs. I remember watching all of these with my grand children. They loved it and I loved it also.

If you want a bit of harmless good humour, watch this DVD.

I can only hope they commission a second series.

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