Film Reviews by JF

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Love Lies Bleeding


(Edit) 23/11/2024

If it was me on the film board, this film would've been rated 18

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(Edit) 09/03/2024

NO excuses! Like all the other Predator films, this one should've been shown at the cinemas. Instead of being dumped onto streaming. Especially when it's a better film that The Predator.

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King of Killers


(Edit) 11/12/2023

Do they still make a film with their logos? This one had 11 before the opening titles even started.

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San Francisco: Megaquake

San Francisco Megaquake?

(Edit) 29/04/2023

I give it credit where it's due for avoiding the usual disaster movie cliches. But why is it called San Francisco Megaquake, when it's in Los Angeles?

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