Film Reviews by DB

Welcome to DB's film reviews page. DB has written 4 reviews and rated 231 films.

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The Forbidden Room

What a disapointment

(Edit) 10/11/2016

Dreary, insubstantial and derivative this film lacks the true inventiveness it so desperatly emulates. Its all been done before and sadly this rehash of everything from modernist film to psychedelic video game ends up being truly annoying. It is quite funny in places - but for all the wrong reasons.

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The Court Jester


(Edit) 10/11/2016

Oh what a joy. An old fashioned film in the best sense of the term; colourfull, charming and dezzling fantasy. Reminded me of the Wizard of Oz , in its naivety and sense of enchantment. Also truly funny in places.

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The Lobster

Utter rubbish

(Edit) 24/08/2016

I was hoping for so much more but was left very sadly disapointed.

What a very tedious exercise in self indulgence. I really cannot think of a worst way of spending my time than watching this tripe.

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Dragon Blade

Waste of time

(Edit) 10/06/2016

What a lot of rot. Incomprehensible rubbish. Boring and senseless this film has all the interest and charisma of a piece of stale bread.

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