Film Reviews by CM

Welcome to CM's film reviews page. CM has written 24 reviews and rated 31 films.

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County Lines

County Lines

(Edit) 06/08/2021

An honest and plain portrayal of a young man, bullied in a pupil referral.

Pushed out with a poor single mother he slowly transcends into a power world

Drugs, this almost costs him his life, crossing county lines, from a nurturing brother to dealer.

Conrad Khan is a brilliant young up and coming actor

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Dallas Buyers Club

Wow, an enlightened performance

(Edit) 17/07/2021

Mathew McConaughey as Ron Woodroof, Rodeo texas cowboy, the film starts with a somewhat hedonistic feel, sex, drugs, rock and - roll.

Towards the end McConaughey leads a graceful journey into the American drug administration authority. This 1980's HIV infected rodeo, makes an educated move to challenge his 30 day prognosis.

Set in the 1980' s at the start of the HIV pandemic's in America

The buyers club is based on true story, of human collective to get vital treatments, from Israel - Mexico Ron gains an increasing foothold on the then knowledge, beyond AZT Ron finds a solution, hospital clinical trials fail to fully address the disease.

Jared plays alongside; a HIV infected transgender intravenous drug user, and unlikely partnership

Together they tackle issues of prejudice traller trash, class sexuality and ignorance.

Gardner leads graceful performance as a Doctor, researching HIV treatment trials.

A fantastic cast, the physical transformations are huge, McConaughey and Jared aces at a creditable performance.

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Baby Done

Did not enjoy

(Edit) 17/04/2021

I did not enjoy, the main character was unconvincing. Light hearted, some times drove, the baby was the best part

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Strange film

(Edit) 17/04/2021

Strange.....badly written I drifted of into writing my weekly to do list whilst watching, apart from Bruce Willis, nothing else makes sense

This film a waste of money!!!!!

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First Do No Harm

Meryl Streep at her finest

(Edit) 17/04/2021

Her son, has epilepsy, meryl seeks an alternative cure, as the 'cure' medication and surgery makes this little boy sick.

Well played as a determined mum taking on conventional medicine.

The 'diet' ketogenic saved this boys life, An old film worth watching!!!

Meryl the absolute queen of actresses

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Black Panther

Strange film with Racist undertones

(Edit) 23/12/2020

What is this!!!

The film had no pilot just an expensive embarrassing mix of what supposed be an African civilisation. Utter madness !!!

Star studded Angela Bassett, Forrest Whitttington, Lupita just an expensive dress up.

Bad movie do not bother with, at one point I lost total interest.

I only watched it out of loyalty to the late Chadwick RIP

He was Ace in Get Up, this film when the end credits ended seemed to be more of this abysmal film!

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Interesting film

(Edit) 14/10/2020

Her struggle as a female as a scientist, the impact on her marriage.

Fairly opulent accommodation for a struggling scientist. Blissful performance by pike

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Only You

Only you

(Edit) 14/08/2020

I like the film a people driven piece, Elsa and Josh go on a long journey.

They try to have a baby, my criticism is the ovf process seemed inaccurate.

The film is intimate and the acting is Brilliant, the couple have a unique bond. In the end love won the day

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Quite good

(Edit) Updated 17/05/2020

The transformation into to madness was beautiful and aesthetic.

The graceful dance and melody was like being graduly submerged into the narrative of the psychosis.

The ending was sad as was his family story his mother had neglected him..followed by society

A solitary figure ..

The only sombore comfort is that whilst we enjoy the graceful mania Arthur seems to come alive, more assertive less vulnerable.

I saw Bradly Cooper in the end credits...I actually felt sympathy for the old 'Arthur'.

Happy for the new, even though it was an awful transition. The 'Joker' an alter ego that leaves him powerful and confident.

My favourite scene was when the brilliant Joaquin donned the suit thus the transformation was complete

Horrible lesson learned on how to treat vulnerable people

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