Film Reviews by AL

Welcome to AL's film reviews page. AL has written 26 reviews and rated 866 films.

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The Shape of Water

Schmaltzy political correctness

(Edit) 03/12/2018

Too reminiscent of other things (ET, Beauty and the Beast, Amelie, to name a few). It looks good, but at the end of the day, it's just a bit of political correctness dressed up. The main character's best friend is gay, and what seems to be the only other person in her life is a black woman. Lot's of references to repression and a big dollop of schmaltz. Was this really the best film of 2017? I doubt it.

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The Endless


(Edit) 21/11/2018

This film was like nothing else I have watched. The plot went off in different directions, but made a sort of sense. My recommodation is to just go with the flow, and let what's happening unravel. I never got a second disc, and wonder if there was something on that which resulted in the negative reviews.

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This is a joke - right?

(Edit) 16/11/2018

I haven't laughed so much in ages. Whas this supposed to be a send up of a horror film? The facial expressions are classic and the dialogue hilarious. All it needs is the canned laughter. I won't be sleeping with the lights on tonight :(

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It Comes at Night

Well, I liked it!

(Edit) 14/11/2018

Okay, the title is misleading, but this is a well made film. Thankfully the script did not fell that it had to regail the viewer with the details of whatever had happened to put these people in this situation, and treated the viewer as an adult. The acting is superb, and much is done with a small set. I feel this could even hang together as a stage play. This is more of an observation into human behaviour rather than a horror film.

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The Falling

Who was this aimed at?

(Edit) 08/11/2018

This is far from being a horror or a decent art house film. I can't imagine an obvious audience or group this film is aimed at. It all seemed pointless, and more of a vehicle for the young actresses and creative team. The only positive thing I can come up with is that it looks good.

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(Edit) 08/11/2018

I loved Wheatley's previous films, and expected better. I had read the source material, but don't think that this filme either reflects or enhances the book. I have watched this story of social disorder put forward in better films.

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The Body

Well worth seeing

(Edit) 30/10/2018

A great thriller, I was a bit tired of the genre, but this is the real thing. Full of suspense right until the end. The acting, music, and direction are all first class. A must see.

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Well I thought it was funny.

(Edit) 26/10/2018

I am not a huge fan of comedy. I can sit stony faced through all sorts of 'classic' comedies, but not this. I liked the reference to the unfeasible 80s plots and unbelievable characters, and wondered why no one has sent up this genre in the past (that I know of). Maybe it's one of those 'you had to be there to get it' type things.

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Thor: Ragnarok

Something for the kids and kiddults

(Edit) 25/10/2018

To be honest, it was probably not marketed at me. It's the usual formulaic stuff set against a green background with effects. Something to make the kids snigger at.

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(Edit) 25/10/2018

This really didn't work. I tried to like it, but it was just a cheap mash up of other things. It looks like it was filmed using a phone, though the sound is reasonable and the soundtrack is good.

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Final Portrait


(Edit) 23/01/2018

It's a pity that such an interesting subject should produce such a dull movie. At face value, Lord is a shallow individual without much of a story or life. The highlights consist of a screaming whore who punctuates the grey landscape. Rush's French accent punctuated with an Australian pronunciation did raise a laugh, earning the film it's one star.

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