Film Reviews by Miss Lane

Welcome to Miss Lane's film reviews page. Miss Lane has written 6 reviews and rated 328 films.

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Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown

I nearly had a nervous breakdown

(Edit) 05/02/2006

very disappointing, very slow. I actually turned it off.


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Brokeback Mountain

Brokeback Mountain.

(Edit) 22/08/2007

One of the most enthralling and emotional films I have seen in a good year. The story is realistic, the cinematography is stunning and the acting is superb. You really feel how they feel about being homosexual in a time where it was visibly wrong as well as emotionally. Its a fantastic film, get over any homophobia you may have and enjoy.

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Absolutely Excellent

(Edit) 30/11/2009

Visually amazing and utterly compelling film which tackles the rise of the Mayan hunters into a horrific world of modernisation.

Beautifully filmed with shock, terror, humour and beauty... it's a definite must see which made my film companion and i have a most profound discussion afterwards on how man, through the ages is still fulled by greed.....

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Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down!

Tie me up Anotonio

(Edit) 05/02/2006

Really good, Antonio Banderas is stunning, as is Loles Leon. Really good film, on a par with Almodovar's best.

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A farce!

(Edit) 22/07/2008

I am the sort of person that really enjoys a good film and certainly reads fellow film reviews. I was utterly shocked at how corny and ridiculous this film was. So much so, i cannot belive Jason Stratham had the front to go to his own premier! Fast paced and utterly ubsurd, this film is possibly one of the worst films i have seen in years. The sex scene, where he has intercourse in front of a crowd in the street who are clapping and cheering was the final straw. Utter utter rubbish.

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What Have I Done to Deserve This?

what have I done to watch this?

(Edit) 05/02/2006

Slow, dull, really rubbish, disappointing compared to Almodovar's greats. Not worth hiring.

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