Welcome to Swambi's film reviews page. Swambi has written 79 reviews and rated 1416 films.
I was disappointed - there seemed to be a big budget, and Julia Roberts acted her heart out. However, this was a film where I never felt convinced or involved - possibly the whole exagerated caricature of 1950's aspirations was partly responsible for this.
This is about as close as you will get to the passion of the Christ, without actually being there. Intensely and painfully moving, and a film made with meticulous attention to detail. It doesn't make easy watching though!
Cleverly and professionally filmed and acted, against a backdrop of delightful coastal scenery. In this film about relationships the real stars are the children, but there is an adult message, and the film challenges us to think about how our behaviour affects others.
Well filmed, well acted, good music. A nostalgic view of argentina in the 60's. However, I found it rather like looking at a friend's holiday photo's - even if the photography is good, difficult to feel a real connection with what you are looking at, apart from a couple of scenes.
An amazing & unique film, with a story that shouldn't be forgotten. Great filming, great acting, excellent Chinese music, sights and sounds, which seem very authenitic. If you are interested in history, people, other cultures and countries, don't miss this.
Some good acting, but rather a weak plot, and the garden/animal scenes were unbelievable. (Do hedgehogs really have large ears?)
The film is set entirely in an attractive Tuscan landscape, involving a disparate set of characters that I found hard to identify with and lost patience following. The plot meanders on in a fairly predictable way, with little real direction.
I recommend this as a "must see" film. Well filmed and enjoyable - never dull. A very clever story told in intriguing flash-backs, in combination with excellent filming of the forming of a friendship between Evelyn and Ninny, and cleverly poking fun at some of the worse aspects of modern life.
The star is Roberta. This gives a compelling insight into the life of disabled people and their carers. It also tackles the topic of euthanasia. Watch the end carefully!
The film features some fantastic shots of the Chinese countryside, moving insights into the culture in pre-war China and a fair amount of action towards the end, as the Japanese invade. Well acted, although a couple of the action sections weren't that convincing.
Well filmed, although the cinematography is not up to modern standards. Meryl Streep turns in a stunning performance, and is utterly believable. It would be worth watching just for this. The flash-backs to the war are cleverly filmed, and very credible - but it's a sad story.
Although there is some clever filming, overall I found this depressing. Two people pursue ever more incredible dares, destroying each other and those around them. The director mixes reality and imagination sometimes without any real clue asto which is which, to the point that the viewer can become completely confused. Sadly the message seems to be that there is no real meaning to life, apart from selfishness and thrills.
Adrian Lyne always makes visually stunning films - even if you don't like them. I thought this was one of his very best. The actoing ws totally convincing, the scenes and story compelling, and following Alex's aspirations and striving as a dancer is inspiring - even if you have little interest in dancing and don't like musicals.
Potentially a good plot, but as it is all shot in Liverpool (a few contrasting scenes of Russia would have improved the film) and much of the acting very wooden, it did not live up to expectations - I wouldn't recommend watching this one. Only a few moments when the film "came alive" and then only temporarily.
This film is a combination of one of the most bizarrely unbelievable plots, with some excellent acting, music and filming. On their own the shots are good - but together they don't really make a good film.