Film Reviews by GBK

Welcome to GBK's film reviews page. GBK has written 14 reviews and rated 697 films.

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Enys Men


(Edit) 18/06/2023

I have never seen so much dribble in my life, A total waste of time, I did not even understand what the heck was going on, Whatever this was supposed to be about i certainly did not get it

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The Munsters

Absolute Rubbish

(Edit) 27/02/2023

I Have Seen Some Really Bad Movies Over The Years But This One Has To Be One Of The Worse Ever,

It Is I Assume A " Prequal " But If I Were You I Would Not Even Think About Watching This If You Like The Munsters As They Were,

Stick To The Originals And Totally Give This A Miss, Terrible Acting, Awful Over Colored Sets And Terrible Storyline.

I Know That It Was " Supposed To Be A Comedy " But It Was Not Funny At All.

Honestly Do Not Know What They Were Thinking In Putting This Together, Obviously Not A Lot Of Thinking Or Talent Went In To It At All,

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A Christmas Carol

Very Disapointing

(Edit) 15/01/2022

This must be the worse telling of this classic story that i have ever seen, I could not watch it all as it was that bad, You have various people narrating the story while a bunch of others prance around the set like demented idiots, A Total waste of time, I would not recomend this at all

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Wrong Place

A Let Down

(Edit) 28/01/2023

The Film Has Real Potential, I Know That A Lot Of Bruce's Films Have All Ended Up This Way In Recent Years Probably Because Of His Illness But Instead Of Giving Him Good Actors To Work Alongside They Are Terrible And Probably Their First Ever Rolls Which Do Not Help At All,

I Have Always Been A Huge Fan Of Bruce And Like Other Movies This Had The Potential To Be Really Good But Again Let Down With The Cast He Was Working With.

I Would Have Though That Someone With His Reputation And Movie Background The Movie Industry Would Put Some Money Behind The Projects He Is Working On To Make Them Look Good With A Good Cast To Help Him Out But Instead They Do These Low Budget Things And Are Just Ruining His Reputation As A Great Actor.

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A Werewolf in England


(Edit) 02/07/2022

I did not realise that this was a comedy featuring the worst actors in the history of film making. This has to be one of the worst films that i have ever seen

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Werewolf Castle


(Edit) 02/07/2022

Yet another really bad movie, Bad acting, terrible effects and very very low budget, Probably cost about a tenner to make

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I Am Wolf

Cheap & Nasty

(Edit) 11/12/2021

Had the real potential to be a good movie but the terrible acting made it difficult to watch. Storyline was ok

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Don't Speak

High Flyers Films, Awful

(Edit) 11/12/2021

It seems that every movie i watch which is from the High Flyers Productions Is Just Terrible, The storylines have some good potential but they have been done with such a low budget and awful actors that they are just un watchable. Early 70s horror movies were done with better actors and effects than these are and considering the technology available these days just makes me wonder why they bother if they are not going to bother using it or the money to do it because it not only disappoints the audience watching but also just rips them off because they pay to go and see what seems to be a great movie to be faced with this kind of rubbish, I know that in future no matter how good the movie sounds. if it is done by High Flyers then i just simply will not bother as i would rather watch my kettle boil as it will be more exciting.

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Out of Death

Acting Very Poor

(Edit) 25/10/2021

Had The Potential To Be A Good Movie But The Acting Was Quite Bad, I Never Thought I Would Say This But Even Bruce Willis Acting Was Poor In This. It Was Like He Was A New Actor Just Starting Out And Learning The Ropes, Very Sad.

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Brilliant And Funny

(Edit) 25/10/2021

Brilliant Film, Its Like freaky Friday Meets Friday The 13th, Love It, If You Are A Fan Of The Comedy/Horror Then This Should Be Good For You.

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Les Misérables: The Staged Concert


(Edit) 21/11/2020

I love this show and although this version has some truly amazing performers in Ball & Boe i just felt that this production was a bit rushed, Everything just moved way to quickly as if they were cramming a 2 hour show into half the time so for that reason i will not watch this again and stick the the previous shows

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White House Farm

Very Good

(Edit) 12/02/2020

I found this series very entertaining and insiteful, A very realistic telling of a horriffic true story but done in a tasteful way without going overboard like some other true story adaptations. If you are aware of the story previously then i do not think you will be dissapointed in the representation but for myself who was not aware of it i found it although entertaining but hard to believe that this could actually happen and shows how twisted some people can be when they appear to be " so normal " in society.

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Crucible of the Vampire

Absolutely terrible

(Edit) 29/09/2019

This is a movie that you do not want to waste your time on, The acting is terrible, The quality and story is awful and must have had an extremly limited budget, Very surprised that Neil Morrisey was involved in this as i thought he was a lot better than this film was but even his performance was poor

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Best film i have seen in a long time

(Edit) 16/09/2018

This film has got to be one of the best i have seen in a long time, it has a good storyline and does have a few good parts that will make you jump especially with the full surround set up, Its one of those films that once you start to watch you simply cannot leave until the end and i shall certainly be going back to watch again, Too many films these days concentrate on gore and over the top visual sickening effects so it was nice to go back to what i call a traditional horror / suspence thriller and the cast were brilliant especially Helen Mirren who i thought was simply perfect for the part

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