Welcome to JR's film reviews page. JR has written 11 reviews and rated 251 films.
This is genius film making arguably James Cameron's best film since Terminator 2. This is the best sci-fi movie i have seen since Bladerunner 2049 in 2017. Looks amazing but has Robert Rodriguez imprint all the way through it..great fight scenes,imagary..storyline and a superb cast. Absolutely mindblowing.
Wow! what a great boxing movie. Not only is Paddy Considine arguably one of the best British actor's since Gary Oldman but he's turning into a formidable director as well. This is an emotional tearjerker of a film about the sometimes grim realities of boxing. Reminds me of the tragedies that happened to Michael Watson and Gerard Mclellan. Its a brilliant film and well worth watching.
I have alway's been a big JJ Cale fan but this documentary is quite dull and boring. The concert footage could of been better as well..check out his wonderful music instead.
1st thing is this is not a Horror film. Its a welcome return to the short Hammer syle stories of the 70s, you watched on fear on friday as a kid. I hope this film starts a renaissance in films that scare you or make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. Its a much better watch than the usual torture porn horror and endless teen slasher flick that bore me to tears.
This is absolutely brilliant. Ken Loach at his very best. Don't think it's the most cheerful film you will ever watch..it will make you feel sad and angry at times. Raises a lot of questions about the benefit system. Heartwarming and essential viewing.
This film is the best western made since Clint Eastwood,s Unforgiven. Christian Bale is exceptional but it's the story and direction by Scott Cooper(Black mass, Out of the furnace) that's truely class..maybe the Western genre isn't dead after all.
I am a big fan of Paul Verhoeven(Basic Instinct,Black book)but this is his strangest film yet. Isabelle Huppert gives a fantastic performance.I certainly wouldn't recommend taking your girlfriend to watch this..its grim at times.Quite shocked but its worth a watch.
I got recommended this...The fight scenes are pretty good but the episodes story wise are a bit on the dull side.Verdict there's much more interesting TV dramas out there..its not awful but its not great either.
There's been a lot of great boxing movies Raging bull,Rocky,Rocky 4 and Creed..sadly this isn't one of them.
This is an excellent thriller,has an excellent cast and worthwhile story.Fight scenes are realistic and well choreographed. The best of its genre i have watched since Taken and the Bourne films.
This is an excellent movie based on real events.All the cast are great especially Mark Wallberg effects are top notch.Well worth seeing.