Film Reviews by MM

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Great to see the Original

(Edit) 24/10/2019

Wonderful to see a film adhering closely to the original Captain Marvel comic books, even though for ( mysterious ??!?) reasons it was impossible to give the hero his name.  Otherwise, the movie was true to the silly spirit of the comics, complete with daft magician/magus, juvenile orphan  hero,  and even a Marvel "family"  to complete my aged nostalgia-trip.  Pity not to give the Captain his name, though....

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Mission: Impossible: Fallout

Great action movie

(Edit) 19/09/2019

This franchise shows no sign of flagging!  Action sequence into action sequence, as always.  Is it me, or is Tom Cruise making Ethan Hunt even more sympathetic?  Could just be advancing years ( for both of us!),  Great fun. Keep 'em coming. 

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Aquaman - Great Comic Book Movie, No More,No Less

(Edit) 14/06/2019

This flic is great fun, and does not pretend to be for any other purpose.  Colourful, bright and absorbing, with a good moral foundation:  just like a wholesome kids' entetainment should be.  It does what it says on the tin!  A refreshing alternative to the relentless political pounding we get from the PCC ( whoops! I meant BBC! )  

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