Film Reviews by TH

Welcome to TH's film reviews page. TH has written 6 reviews and rated 20 films.

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The English

Beautiful and Horrible

(Edit) 18/05/2023

Beautiful cinematography and the acting was astute but this mini series is really horrible from start to finish. Not a strong narrative, something about a pretty English woman seeking revenge but the focus is on developing lots of nasty gruesome horrible'ness which feels gratuitous. Hangings, rape, children dying, husbands shooting their families, disease, machine gun genocide, death, massacres etc. Honestly don't really know what this series is about or for.

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Unique, heartfelt, revealing of the human condition

(Edit) 03/11/2021

Unique, heartfelt, revealing of the human condition, even though it focuses exclusively on the daily activities of a bunch of stray dogs. It spoke more about the condition of humanity than most other films I have seen. It reflects on community, relationships, success and failure etc

Refreshingly different, although I particularly dislike Hollywood-esque films so this would always be a winner for me.

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I resent this film...

(Edit) 03/11/2021

Several things annoyed me about this film including the ridiculous stick on boobs of the lead female character's (Hope) suit, the chirpy 'charm' of Paul Rudd, the constant use of the word 'Quantum', and the fact that Hope's mum, when discovered after 30 years living in an alternative dimension has impeccable (and heavy) makeup and hair done. This sort of shit really gets my goat.

Storyline is pretty vacuous...

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Mary Poppins Returns

Beautiful, but inauthentic with no soul

(Edit) 05/08/2021

It was beautiful to look at as a series of vistas or scenes but the songs were doleful, and the narrative was largely pointless and predictable.

It made some obvious contemporary references (including Mary Poppins doing BMX tricks?!) which just didn't sit right. The historical placement was all over the place.

I also didn't like the importance that was placed on a wealthy family keeping their palatial London house at the expense and labour of all the street lighters (common folk). That feels very unaware and irrelevant in our current context.

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The Shape of Water

Beautiful and serene love story

(Edit) 30/07/2021

Although there are a few dramatic jolts this is a beautiful and serene love story.

Loved watching it and even the kids were interested, although watch out for the occasional sex scene and it gets a little violent right at the end.

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So boring

(Edit) 28/06/2021

Above everything, this film was very boring. I wanted some magical mystery of the deep but instead got a film I felt I'd seen dozens of times before. It's the same old blockbuster rubbish and I resented the trite love story and sentimental parent reunion that served no purpose. The costumes were laughable and ridiculous and I just didn't get all those electric lights in the underwater baddy cave. I'd recommend Disney's new Luca film...or The Little Mermaid...

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