Welcome to CS's film reviews page. CS has written 107 reviews and rated 151 films.
Could'nt think of a title for this review and thought the word 'Strange' was the best description. Quite boring in parts and could'nt really see the point
of making this movie in the first place. It possibly could hit the spot for some but not for me. Rather clean the oven !
Got me hooked from the word go. Wonderful sort of Agatha Christie drama/thriller which keeps you guessing until the last 15 minutes of episode 3.
Watch all 3 in succession as riveted to find out who the killer was as no idea. Good cast which kept the story moving along. I'd watch this again !
Was willing to give this series a fair shot but really not for me. Actors I've never seen before or heard of and decided after 45 minutes it was not my cuo of tea.
Probably some who will like it but not me. As the were no other reviews I could refer to I did wonder if I was not alone.
Thought any movie with a lead as good as Russell Crowe deserved to be watched, and I wasn't wrong.
Good thriller/murder mystery storyline which keeps you hooked with an unexpected twist at the end.
Love these movies - more please !
Sat through 1 hour of this movie and no better off knowing what is going on. Too dark & complicated for my brain to comprehend.
Worse disc I've ever watched.
Watched the first 2 episodes & must say I'm not impressed so far. Much too slow, no intrigue and nothing to hold my attention.
Really enjoyed the first series and could'nt wait for the next to come round to the UK. To say I'm disappointed is an understatement.
Sending back the disc & moving on to something else. Maybe I'll come back to it in time, maybe I won't bother !
Agree with other review, Peake is amazing. Sad but funny portrayal of a northern lass growing up and her mishap relationships with men,
which more times than not turn to violence. She is probably one of many who crave love but get an abusive partner instead.
Good watch in my opinion.
Slow starter but quite complex story about 3 misfits from different walks of life. Watched twice within days of receiving as liked very much.
If you don't mind a ''slow burn'' give this one a try. Given 5 stars as laugh out loud humour in places and good storyline.
Half way through decided I'd seen this movie before but enjoyed it nonetheless. Good acting from the Sutherlands although Demi Moore made
a weak appearance. Good storyline with gripping action. Good entertainment.
Political satire but quite believable. Constant swearing ruined this movie for me and would have turned it off after 20 minutes.
Husband was quite taken with it so had to endure 90 minutes of rubbish. Each to their own !
Not a new movie but enjoyed it nonetheless. Good storyline with a good mix of actors with the right amount of
action & adventure in the dramatic Australian outback. Try it.
Started watching but gave up after 20 mins. Not for me as couldn't make head or tail of it, maybe I'm not suited to Sci- Fi.
Actors not known and 10 mins in with quite a horrific scene involving a child. Should have watched the trailer first !
Fan of Liam Neeson and wasn't disappointed. Action packed from the offset & keeps you on the edge of your seat. Good cast &
storyline. Enjoyed it.
Boring and slow to sum up. Like all the well established actors who should know better with overacting by all. Diane Keaton swanning around
in gear from her Manhattan era with Woody Allen, Jane Fonda strutting her stuff supposedly taking the lead but getting nowhere. Did'nt find it entertaining at
all and would rather have spent 90 productive minutes cleaning the oven !
Saw this last year and have watched it regularly ever since. To my mind THE BEST performance by this group of musicians
which are wide & varied with superb action from Mick Fleetwood. Featuring music from original Fleetwood Mac this music will keep your toes tapping
throughout. I would give it 10 stars if I could ! Highly recommend.