Film Reviews by CS

Welcome to CS's film reviews page. CS has written 107 reviews and rated 151 films.

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The Miracle Club


(Edit) 23/01/2024

Realistic storyline of life in Ireland with experienced cast. Ideal chilling out movie with a few laughs along the way.

Enjoyed, but would'nt set the world on fire.

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Nightmare Alley

Undecided about this one

(Edit) 15/12/2023

Quite a difficult film to review. Good cast & the story plodded along somewhat but found it far too long and would have preferred

a more condensed version to keep up the interest. Movie shot in Buffalo N.Y. and the Art Deco Town Hall stole the show as far as I'm

concerned, the movie was just a carrier !

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Nothing Like a Dame

Documentary really - not a movie

(Edit) 20/10/2023

This is a gathering of like minded Oscar winners who have gathered for a nostalgic chat. Funny at times but after an hour I turned off.

If you like these actors & interested in their 'history of life' this will be right up your street.

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Romance and Cigarettes

Quirky Musical

(Edit) 17/10/2023

Really got into this movie. Good cast & storyline. Never seen Kate Winslet typecast as a singing tart but she's game for anything - and so young !

Appreciate not everyone's cup of tea but it was worth 4 stars to me.

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Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret.

Wonderful for teens !

(Edit) 09/10/2023

This movie is a very watchable teen movie, especially for girls. It outlines all aspects of growing up,

street cred and the changes of the human body during 'teen years'. Very funny in places & informative

with a good storyline. Sadly, had nothing like this when I was growing up !

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80 for Brady

Undecided about this one

(Edit) 22/08/2023

Thought as a good cast of females this would be right up my street. Some humour but hard going hence

only 2 stars. Money for their retirement funds I suppose. Give me a good thriller any day !

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A Time to Kill

Not the best movie

(Edit) 13/07/2023

Despite a good cast this movie plods along somewhat. Nonetheless, quite entertaining and good storyline.

Would'nt watch a second time or pay to see in a cinema.

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A Man Called Otto

Really like this movie

(Edit) 07/07/2023

Typical Mr Grumpy which I can totally relate to ! And we all know someone just like him.

But he's not all bad and eventually warms to his new 'caring & kind' neighbours and turns into a do gooder

and really has a heart of gold. Liked this very much & knew Hanks would'nt let me down.

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Beatles nostalgia

(Edit) 04/07/2023

If you like the Beatles you will like this. Who has never heard about the Beatles anyway ?

A trip down memory lane and he sings them all so well. Good way to pass 90 minutes.

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The Invisible Man

Good horror movie

(Edit) 26/06/2023

Watched this & agree with last review. Edge of the seat stuff which keeps you engrossed. Well, it did me.

Good storyline & actors with a good twist at the end. Recommend.

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Good movie

(Edit) 31/05/2023

Wondered how this 'cowboy picture' would pan out, but wasn't disappointed. Little bit slow in places but very watchable with good storyline and acting.

Enjoyable way to pass 90 minutes.

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Ticket to Paradise

No great shakes - dull, dull, dull !

(Edit) 28/03/2023

Thought this would be good viewing with a cast to match, how wrong could I be.

A load of old dribble as my folks would say. I'm sure 90 minutes could be spent doing/

watching something worthwhile. Pathetic over acting in my opinion. But put some money

towards their retirement fund I suppose ! They must be desperate.

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Fisherman's Friends: One and All

Feel good movie

(Edit) 27/02/2023

This film trots along in a wonderful setting, good story line with lots of singing !

Not going to set the world on fire, more ''relaxing after a busy day'' entertainment.

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Good for horse lovers

(Edit) 08/02/2023

Quite enjoyed this movie, plodded along with good story line. Diane Lane takes the lead after losing father, head

of the ranch and wonderful sequences with horses. Would'nt be temped for a re-watch but passed 90 minutes.

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Good edge of the seat stuff

(Edit) 24/01/2023

Enjoyed this more than I thought I would, quite fast paced thriller and not for the faint hearted.

So sad that in today's world this practice of exploitation is still being carried out on young females.

Really opens your eyes.

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