Film Reviews by CS

Welcome to CS's film reviews page. CS has written 107 reviews and rated 151 films.

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The Virtuoso


(Edit) 04/10/2021

Thought this would be a good movie from outset and it did'nt disappoint. Moved along nicely with the right amount of drama

and suspense. Hopkins took a back seat but very watchable nonetheless.

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Rubbish !

(Edit) 30/09/2021

Couldn't stand to watch the rest of this movie after 30 minutes ! Bad choice for me, will stick to drama's and thrillers as I usually do.

Don't waste your time ordering this one.

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The Blacklist: Series 1

This is brilliant !

(Edit) 24/08/2021

Enjoying every minute of this series, riveting and edge of the seat stuff. Bit gruesome and violent with each episode telling a different story.

We have just started Season 1 and there are 8 seasons in all. Really look forward to the next disc dropping through the letterbox. Highly recommend for the not so squeamish ! Can't watch them quick enough to get them in the post and the wait is purgatory till the next one comes. Would give it 10 stars if I could.

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Not for me

(Edit) 18/08/2021

Agree with previous viewers. This was not my cup of tea at all. Swearing prolific with no holes barred and constant by all parties.

It's about 2 sets of married couples visiting Brighton on a day trip from London. Would'nt recommend. Not at all entertaining.

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Daughter of the Wolf

Watch this

(Edit) 13/08/2021

Good story line and acting by all. Thoroughly enjoyed this thriller which is quite fast paced. Recommend.

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The Snowman

Good Thriller

(Edit) 06/08/2021

Disagree with other reviewers as really enjoyed this movie and right up my street. Need to concentrate on plot as lots of twist and turns and kept me on the edge of my seat. Each to their own I suppose.

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The Informer

Action packed movie

(Edit) 14/06/2021

Quite liked this with good lead actors and story line. Only gave 3 stars as not outstanding but worth watching.

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Hunt for the Wilderpeople

Great family movie with older children (13 yrs plus)

(Edit) 03/06/2021

Rented it for my 8 yr old Grandson. But having watched it first decided against it due to some swearing

and graphic killing of wild animals.

But I enjoyed it very much and gave it 4 stars. Good story line and very funny in places set in wonderful countryside.

Good cast too.

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Gripping yarn

(Edit) 01/06/2021

Watch this, good thriller with Hopkins excelling as the master of intrigue. Plot only resolved in the last 10 minutes so will keep you

guessing for the duration of the movie. If you like thrillers you will love this. Well worth 5 stars - in my opinion !

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The Little Things

Not up to par

(Edit) 26/05/2021

Was really looking forward to this but not Densel's usual offering, was expecting more. Good enough story line with suspense and tension, but lacking in some form. Shame, as I usually give his movies 5 stars but this one is only a 2 and a half really.

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Acquired taste

(Edit) 20/05/2021

Fair lead by Gemma but too whimsical for me, good story line but can't put my finger on it.

Gemma has starred in many movies and have always been well entertained hence the reason I ordered it.

You need to make up your own mind.

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The Gentlemen

Should have read the reviews !

(Edit) 11/05/2021

Did'nt enjoy this movie, too much swearing and violence for me. Just not my idea of entertainment.

Should have read the reviews and then would have some idea what I was letting myself in for.

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Camino Skies

Not for me

(Edit) 26/04/2021

Wasn't in the right mood to watch this at the time so returned it. Real life stories of a number of people completing a 'marathon'.

All had their own reasons for completing the walk which covered hundreds of miles on a pilgrimage and not always in the best of health themselves. Shear determination some completed the distance, I guess.

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The Secret: Dare to Dream

Not riveting, but good.

(Edit) 21/04/2021

Quiet, romantic story line about a family losing their husband & father. Good acting from the leads, quite enjoyed this.

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Trial by Fire

Slow to start but gets better

(Edit) 29/03/2021

Took sometime to get into this movie after the first 15 minutes but it gets better with time and compelling viewing. So stay with it.

Some violence but all part of the prison experience. Strong cast and good story line, worth watching.

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