Welcome to CS's film reviews page. CS has written 107 reviews and rated 151 films.
Couldn't get into this movie, silly and part humorous, but not for me. Maybe I'm too old (69) to watch this sort of film
and more suited to the young. No more I can say.
Captivating story about a dog, his travels and life's adventures who is the star of the show, not Harrison Ford ! Memorial family movie for a wet afternoon and watchable more than once. Thoroughly enjoyed it.
I have always been a fan of Perry Mason even as a child age 12. This is a somewhat different format as Perry is not a Lawyer but a Private Investigator but very enjoyable just the same.
Every episode leaves you wanting to watch the next and full of suspense, violent in places so not for the squeamish . Just sent off for the 2nd disc
as 4 episodes, sorry chapters on each disc. I would give it 10 stars if I could.
Can't wait !
Fan of Harrison Ford and knew this would be good with Ashley Judd in tow as well. Very watchable with a good story line.
Undecided about this movie. Not a strong cast nor story line come to that, but passed the time - quite ordinary I would say. Given 3 stars as it was'nt a film I did'nt like, but it drifted along and was waiting for some action. It did'nt come unfortunately. Not memorable and will be easy forgotten.
Wondered how Harrison Ford would fare with this iconic 60's series which is currently running on Freeview. - in black & white.
Different slant on the original story line but nonetheless a good portrayal of Richard Kimble running from the law and finds the
perpetrator himself, finally clearing his name. Good, believable and lots of action.
Watched all this movie wondering when the action was about to start - it did'nt.
It is a portrayal of a young woman starting out in her place of work with minimal mundane and monotonous tasks and you wonder why she just does'nt walk out and get herself a better job. We've all had jobs we wish we hadn't accepted and suffer them until we finally achieve something better, as we need the income.
She is basically a dogsbody working with 2 creepy colleagues who belittle and take advantage of her, along with an invisible boss who F.s and blinds at her and takes sexual advantage of young females. Though you don't actually see this.
As I've said, not my sort of movie.
Easy movie to watch but quite uneventful and a bit boring really, meaning you could easily fall asleep whilst watching this.
Shame as good cast but needed a bit of a spark/action somewhere along the line to keep interest up.
Better movies than this one to pass away 90 minutes !
Thought this movie would be better to be honest. Good performance from 'Jo March' who carried the story forward.
Mediocre review for a mediocre movie.
As with all Ice Age movies this one won't let you down. Usual cast of characters and a whole lot fun. Good family entertainment in my opinion.
As with all the other Star Wars movies this one doesn't disappoint. Full of action and a great family film.
Slow moving portrayal of a close Chinese family living on the edge by stealing most of their daily needs. Quite poignant and moving
as they are generous where it matters most. Enjoyed this movie if only to see how other nationalities live their lives with only the basic essentials.
Wasn't sure about this movie but glad I stuck with it. Bit slow in parts but storyline and acting good. Determined lead which dominated
the story with a no guess ending. Quite watchable and passed the time.
Wasn't sure about this movie but got into it quite quickly. Good storyline and acting by all and certainly keeps your interest. But politically damming in my opinion.
Did watch the trailer and as set in Brooklyn ordered this disc. Whole movie revolves around a Tobacconist shop which has
been in the street forever and is about the residents past and present. Good acting from all parties and cameo with Madonna singing a telegram
tho' you wouldn't know it ! If you like lots of chatter and laughter - watch this.