Welcome to CS's film reviews page. CS has written 107 reviews and rated 151 films.
Oscar winning performance from Matthew and although AIDS being a serious subject some humour to lighten the story. Found it held my interest for the full 2 hours. Would recommend.
Found this a regular Miss Marple drama to be honest, good 'whodunit' which keeps you guessing to the last minute.
Strong, famous cast though thought not such a suitable part for Daniel Craig to play. Too many James Bond memories I think to
make him a credible sleuth. Good watching anyway and enjoyed it very much, highly recommended.
Good storyline and acting by main lead but, in my opinion, slooooow moving. Did'nt realise it had subtitles but not a problem. Halfway through this film found it did not didn't capture my interest enough to warrant watching the full movie. Agree with previous reviewers regarding storyline history.
Good storyline with a good cast and easy watching on a Sunday night. Both my husband and I (both 60 + year olds) thoroughly enjoyed it.
Didn't realise this was in 3 parts but good watching anyway. Typical Agatha Christy whodunit which left it to the last minute to reveal who the murderer was. Good acting throughout by all players.
If you like murder mysteries then watch this series. Quite fast paced and gripping in some scenes. James Purefoy is excellent as the Barrister with morals and a law upon himself. Hoping there is another follow on series as absolutely loved this one !
From the author Harlan Coben and just knew this would be good. As usual he keeps you guessing to the very last minute before revealing the full story. Full on action/adventure/murder/mystery with a sometimes complicated plot so demands your full attention. There are more of his movies/tv series available and I have watched them all on Paradiso and ALL of them are good. If you like this one there are more !
Didn't realise this film was in black and white and seemed to be set in the 1980's. Too dark and moody for my liking, local fisherman versus
holiday home visitors and the fracas ensued by differences of stature and moral principles.
Saying that my husband quite enjoyed it.
Avid reader of Harlan Coben books and thought I'd try a film. Made in France with English subtitles this riveting thriller is a 6 part series and a must watch in my opinion. Good actors, none of which I've every heard of, carry the plot to perfection with lots of twists and turns which will leave you guessing to the last episode. Thoroughly enjoyed it and looking forward to the next one.
Not Emma Thompson's best movie in my opinion, bit too much over acting involved and plot a bit weak.
Took a while to get going but really enjoyed this movie. Lots of action and strong lead character with plausible script made this very watchable.
Comes highly recommended.
I was three quarters of an hour into this film and could stand it no longer. Could say I lost interest, or I'd lost the plot more like.
Definitely not my type of entertainment and will stay away from political dramas from now on.
Not Liam's best film but true to form and will keep you watching until the end. Lots of shooting and killing so not for the squeamish
but good storyline and keeps you entertained.
I sat through an hour of this boring, dark movie waiting for some action and wish I chosen something different. Not my cup of tea at all. Note to self: must start reading reviews BEFORE I put them on my watch list. Lesson learnt !
Found this movie quite heart rendering and enjoyed it. Good performances from all lead actors and good storyline.
Although it is a story about physical disability I think it applies to every disability.