Film Reviews by CS

Welcome to CS's film reviews page. CS has written 107 reviews and rated 151 films.

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What Men Want

Absolute Rubbish !

(Edit) 30/09/2019

Don't bother with this one, spin off from the movie 'What Women Want'' staring Mel Gibson and Helen Hunt and comes nowhere near it.

Poor, overacting by leads with no real storyline and halfway through I wondered why I was wasting my time watching it ? Rather watch paint dry.

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Mile 22

Great movie

(Edit) 10/09/2019

This is non stop action and makes you hold your breath on occasions. Bit gruesome and bloody but that's the name of the game.

Good storyline and gripping edge of the seat stuff.

I enjoyed it.

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Watch this from Series 1

(Edit) 29/08/2019

Love this series which is both gripping and addictive. Just like a good book you can't put down until you've reached the end.

Full of mystery and suspense with a good measure of gore thrown in.

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Their Finest

Good watch

(Edit) 19/08/2019

Probably not one for the youngsters but really got into this movie with all main cast members giving a good performance. Good war time storyline with a sad ending but very watchable.

Loved all Gemma's performances in other films she has appeared in and thought she was well suited to this role. Strong support from Bill Nighy

who is so adept but thought love interest was a bit weak. Great Sunday afternoon viewing.

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The Hitman's Bodyguard

Good action movie

(Edit) 22/07/2019

Actors well cast, action packed and quite comical, just my sort of film to be honest. Good all round entertainment for adults in my opinion. Would highly recommend if you like Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible and Ryan movies. Good plot with many car chases

and a small amount of love interest from the two main characters.

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Fisherman's Friends

Liked this movie

(Edit) 22/07/2019

Didn't know what to expect but was pleasantly surprised. Good storyline about some Cornish Fishermen becoming famous.

Laid back, easy viewing for the over 50's !

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Great for the older generation

(Edit) 06/06/2019

Good storyline and so true of life for some in Sheila's generation putting duty before living a life of one's own.

I liked this film of courage and true grit and goes to prove you are never too old to achieve the dream.

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You Were Never Really Here

Did'nt like one bit

(Edit) 21/05/2019

Boring, kept waiting for the purpose of making this movie - but it just didn't happen. Well, not for me it didn't.

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The Commuter

Good movie

(Edit) 06/05/2019

Liam in his element as a character played many times in the past. Good storyline with some unexpected twists and turns which set

the heart racing. I enjoyed this movie but not an ''all action thriller'' for the male watcher who may well get bored. Worth watching in my


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The Leisure Seeker

Over 60 ? Watch this.

(Edit) 30/04/2019

Bit slow to start but could relate to this couple 100%. Mirren exceptional and a rarity to see Sutherland in many movies these days.

Ideal couple to play these roles as they bounce off one another.

Found this movie quite entertaining and funny in places, not an edge of your seat thriller but entertaining nonetheless.

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The Post

Yes & No

(Edit) 18/04/2019

Eager to watch this movie but didn't enjoy it's slow start but stayed with it. Got into it in the end and found it quite enjoyable. Not Tom Hanks greatest film. I would say. Quite nondescript.

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Good thriller

(Edit) 05/04/2019

Love Al Pasino and rather a long wait for him to make more films like this. Good storyline (bit along the lines of the Bone Collector) and

keeps you on the edge of your seat.

Very watchable.

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Kingdom of Heaven

Enjoyed this

(Edit) 19/03/2019

Liked this film, good storyline in my opinion and lots of action. But would agree with others this is a 'one watch' movie and not one I would

wish to watch again.

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Hard not to take a nap whilst watching this

(Edit) 15/03/2019

Very slow, meandering script and hard to get into this film, watched half an hour and turned it off. Not my sort of entertainment to be honest

and better stuff on the tv. Disappointed as like actor Richard Gere, not his best film in my opinion.

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Finding Your Feet

Easy watching

(Edit) 28/12/2018

Liked all the actors in this movie with Celia Imrie the star of the show. Good storyline and lots of humour to add to the mix.

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