Film Reviews by GC

Welcome to GC's film reviews page. GC has written 11 reviews and rated 17 films.

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Their Finest

BBC demonstrates the power of propaganda

(Edit) 25/03/2024

Rather banal tearjercker based on a well received book. This is a contemporary BBC feminist makeover demonstrating the power of propaganda. Males are useless, stupid, arrogant etc. and improbably silly girls are turned into "heroes". That said the film within a film idea was handled well. Bill Nighy, who I don't usually care for, was a brilliant luvvie, and Gemma Arterton very good, and lovely too.

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The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry


(Edit) 24/09/2023

I got this as I felt my wife and I would enjoy it together. Both of us were disappointed and her initial comment at the end was that Broadbent and Wilton did their best with a weak script. I found the film dull and unbelievable. I cannot recommend allocating time to watch it so 1 star only.

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Nightmare Alley

A visually impressive film

(Edit) 05/12/2022

For me an enjoyable film tells a good story, has good visual quality, is well cast with actors who convince you of what they are performing and has a good soundtrack which includes appropriate use of music and dialogue which is audible.

In Nightmare Alley (2021) the visuals are very good and sometimes beautiful, the creation of the period detail is superb. The story is strong although of course is not uplifting. The cast generally give good performances, although I am a bit reserved over the marvellous Cate Blanchett’s portrayal of Lilith. The soundtrack was mostly excellent although on some occasions the actors dropped into hard to understand mumbling which I find is a fault in many USA films of recent years. Some parts of the later exchanges between Molly and Stanton could not be made out. The film did seem to be paced a little too slowly.

I would give the film 3 stars and the original (1947) interpretation 4 as it avoids the pitfalls of this recent one.

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Knives Out

Entertaining and full of surprises

(Edit) 31/10/2022

Didn't mind Daniel Craig's accent at all; in fact found it amusing. I was reminded of aspects of Columbo and Poroit in his performance.

Overall I found the actors very good, conveying a generally nasty family in all sorts of ways. I had not seen Ana de Arnas before and I think she proved to be a good actress showing a wide range of emotions.

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A Night to Remember

A good telling of the Titanic's fate

(Edit) 20/10/2022

A level headed account of the Titanic disaster which I found gripping. Good actors who spoke their lines clearly. Restrained use of music as needed. An example to modern films.

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West Side Story

Hugely disappointing - didn't finish it.

(Edit) 23/03/2022

This was released on BluRay just as I was pruning my list, and on a whim I added this. (I had seen a wonderful live show a few years ago which easily beat the original film). The new film has stunning picture quality and clean sound but it seemed strangely odd and heavy as if taking itself far too seriously. The actors were not to blame as I accepted them easily and the big dance numbers were good. My favourite was "America" in the street. As the film went on it felt ponderous and slow and I found myself getting bored. The very violent big rumble finally spoiled it for us and I stopped it at 1hour 50mins with about 40mins to go. I had ceased caring by then.

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Very entertaining and heartwarming.

(Edit) 18/01/2022

I watched it twice, my wife and sons once. We all found it entertaining and heart-warming.


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Dark Waters

A serious story well told

(Edit) 05/11/2021

This is a shocking story of corporate wrongdoing, concerning a product we are all familiar with. It is well told but not an easy film to watch at times. The dialogue is clear and audible 99% of the time and the film is not overburdened by intrusive music. I found the film totally absorbing.

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Two Hands

Big mistake

(Edit) 11/03/2021

This film would not have been my cup of tea. For some reason I put it on my list because it had such good reviews.

I watched the beginning and turned it off. A waste of a rental.

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Wild Strawberries

A lovely film

(Edit) 26/06/2020

I was surprised by how much I enjoyed this film. It was a gentle pleasure. Striking camera work and lighting and particularly engaging performances by Victor Sjostrom and Ingrid Thulin. Although not an "action" film there is plenty going on and it held my attention throughout.

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Apollo 11

Involving recreation of the original event

(Edit) 16/12/2019

I am surprised by how involving this film is. Tense at times and thrilling, I was so impressed by the achievement of going to the moon, landing on the surface, walking about there and returning with the quite basic space technology of the times. Heroic, brave and daring, it shows the USA at its best.

Several other people watched it and agreed with me.

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