Film Reviews by NR

Welcome to NR's film reviews page. NR has written 23 reviews and rated 26 films.

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Mare of Easttown

Bravo Kate

(Edit) 19/05/2024

Another great performance from Kate Winslet,who also directs here!

She portrays a world weary American neighbourhood cop,with family issues.

Not just another police procedural,but an intriguing view of suburban life and family heartache,without being too mawkish!

Convincing performances from a largely unknown(in the U.K.) cast . Guy Pearce certainly has come a long way from Neighbours?

Recommended viewing.

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The Milagro Beanfield War

Feel Good

(Edit) 07/04/2024

Great all round entertainment with a message that does'nt preach!!!

A good cast,many unknown to me,but several star's either then or in the making.

Proving that actors can occasionally direct too.In this case it's Robert Redford,to great effect.

The filming is impressive too.


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Cold Comes the Night

Gripping stuff!

(Edit) 07/04/2024

I must disagree with the previous review.

I found the plot quite thrilling and plausible.

Remarkable performances too from both Alice Eve and Bryan Cranston,with a good twist to the plot at the end.

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Das Boot: Series 3


(Edit) 16/04/2023

The high quality of the previous two seasons has been maintained.

Plenty of action,but more attention to the disintegrating German war effort here of course,as it concentrates on the final years of the conflict.

Very convincing performances from all the cast too.

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Very good.

(Edit) 16/04/2023

Gritty but gripping vintage cop movie,with some references that would be deemed politically incorrect these day's,so even more enjoyable?

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It Snows in Benidorm

Prap's it me ,but?

(Edit) 16/04/2023

I thought it was just a peon to Benidorm for some time into the film,as it is so slow to develop!

Timothy Spall turns in another of his current bemused old man performances,which don't seem to take much effort.

The plot build up is so sluggish,that it play's out like the first episode of a tv series.They just set the predictable scene,and you think it will be interesting to see what happens in future episodes,and then it ends and you remember there are no further episodes.Or are there?

Hey ho ?

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Where the Crawdads Sing

a good yarn!

(Edit) 16/04/2023

I have'nt read the book,but I found the film to be absorbing,and just about plausible.

Period details seemed to be well thought out,and only a little tub thumping revisionist sentiment crept in to the plot,so it did'nt spoil it.

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Grim stuff!

(Edit) 16/04/2023

Not a film to cheer you up about anything!

Convincing performances,and a particularly ascerbic Judy Davis,but so depressing throughout.

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Good Luck to You, Leo Grande


(Edit) 16/04/2023

It will probably become reference piece for other actors,as it's very wordy and meaningful,but as entertainment I found it patronising.

Emma Thompson turns in another good performance,but as a character you can't muster much sympathy for.

A thespian's view of what ordinary folk might get up?

Happily,ordinary folk tend to be more interesting!

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True Things

Depressing tale of modern everyday folk!

(Edit) 22/10/2022

The two leads are wasted in this drama,although they give it their best shot!

It's a bleak depiction of how meaningless modern life can be,and indeed with a dollop of "anti-man" claptrap thrown in for good measure.


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The Lost City


(Edit) 22/10/2022

Poor update of Romancing the Stone,as other's have noted.

Lots of noisy action,but very little of the quirky charm and spirited performances of the original.

Sandra Bullock is alway's watchable,and she is very capable of comedy too,but she seems to sleep walk through this lot.


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Gift Horse


(Edit) 22/10/2022

Super old film!

Great performances from all concerned.

Cover's a period of history when stiff upper lips were downright rigid?

So nice to watch something that has no sub-plot or contrived "message"to get across,other than that under pressure human being's can be quite remarkable!!


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Feats First: The Life and Music of Lowell George


(Edit) 22/10/2022

I could have done with more of Lowell's music than the parade of talking head's here.

Yes,he was a troubled soul,but with a unique talent.

Sadly,here,not enough credit goes to the other member's of Little Feat either.It was definately a band of like mind's,and much of the songwriting was contributed by the other's.

Thanks for the music Lowell.R.I.P

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Off the Rails


(Edit) 29/07/2022

Awful contrived nonsense,a waste of a good cast too.

I gave up after about 30 min,thinking I'd been patient enough!

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Don't Breathe 2

Mad sequel!

(Edit) 29/07/2022

The basic premise of the first film is rebooted on steroids?

Where the original film plot was just about plausible and thrilling too,this one is ott,and rather annoying.

The main character is portrayed as some sort of superman here,pitched against a cast of "baddies" straight from central casting.

If you want a mindless "shoot em up",then this will do nicely!

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