Film Reviews by DB

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Heimat: A Chronicle of Germany

Interesting but disappointing

(Edit) 26/04/2022

The series is ok but I was disappointed because my expectations had been very high. I found the acting to be quite wooden at times and some of the frequent close up shots to be quite irritating. I still haven't properly worked out a good reason why the film alternates between colour and monochrome.

However, Heimat is historically interesting due to its depiction of village family life.

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A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

What a saint!

(Edit) 04/02/2022

The main character, Forest sorry.....Mr Rogers... is just too good to be true. Quite sacharine and sentimental for a lot of the time, but does contain a few pearls of wisdom. I was disappointed by the film.

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Good drama

(Edit) 28/10/2021

Very good film, set in GDR before re- unification of Germany. It's bleak and has some nice plot twists.

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