Film Reviews by SJ

Welcome to SJ's film reviews page. SJ has written 5 reviews and rated 179 films.

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Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes

Mainly CGI

(Edit) 14/03/2025

I guess I was expecting a normal Planet of the Apes set up i.e. apes and humans in conflict. This was not that with only 2 human characters and the rest chimps and gorillas.

This means that most of the movie is CGI so I may as well have been watching a cartoon. There are scenes where one chimp is joined by another and you're expected to recognise this chimp from earlier - not easy when they all look very similar to the human eye!

Lots of ape on ape violence if that is your thing but for me I felt like that was 144 minutes (!) that I'll never get back.

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Three Men in a Boat

Missed opportunity

(Edit) 05/03/2025

If you are a fan of Three Men in a Boat by Jerome K Jerome then give this a miss.

Yes there are 3 men, a boat, a dog and the river Thames but that is where any connection ends.

A stellar cast wasted on slapstick and bumbling.

Whilst you should give this one a miss I did enjoy the TV adaptation by Tom Stoppard with Michael Palin and Tim Curry - try that instead!

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Lady in White

For kids

(Edit) 23/08/2022

Like a cross between an overlong episode of Goosebumps and some made for TV low budget filler, this film would really only be of interest to children or those who watched it when it came out and are looking for a nostalgia hit. Not scary, not tense, nothing really to commend it to an adult.

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The Banishing

Banishingly dull

(Edit) 08/03/2022

Like an over long sub par episode of a generic TV "Chiller/Horror" series minus any gratuitous gore/nudity/tension/scares.

Good cast giving their best are absolutely wasted in this clunker.

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Riders of Justice

Hidden gem - funny and smart.

(Edit) 31/01/2022

Great performances from many actors you will know from shows like The Bridge, The Killing, Brittania, etc. What surprised me most was the amount of humour - very funny in parts. Notionally this looks like a Euro version of many many Hollywood revenge movies however it surpasses most of them for sure. Highly recommended - Give it a go!

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