Film Reviews by WH

Welcome to WH's film reviews page. WH has written 2 reviews and rated 4 films.

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The Shape of Water

Tremendous Adult "Splash"!

(Edit) 07/02/2019

Before watching The Shape of Water I had a look at viewers' reviews....what a bizarre range! From the worst film of the year to a an utter joy! I came down firmly towards the latter..

It's a beautifully well crafted film with excellent performances, a fantastically designed sci-fi fantasy that's much more than a simple fishy story. Ignore the negative posts and check it out.

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I, Tonya

Uncompromising, humorous and possibly true...

(Edit) 23/01/2019

Hard-hitting biopic shot in a quasi-docudrama style. Brutal at times, but nevertheless told with a lot of humour; highly entertaining with fantastic performances from Margot Robbie and Alison Janney. It's an interesting overview of the sport and a new look at a one time renowned personality - although oddly, the actual 'incident' whilst referred to a lot, gets very little coverage and Nancy Kerrigan barely gets a look-in....

Brilliant film!

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