Welcome to GJ's film reviews page. GJ has written 40 reviews and rated 86 films.
I had my reservations - although the film joined the billion dollar club, it wasn't getting the positive buzz that black panther was receiving for instance . However from the word go , like all good action-adventure movies the pacing doesnt let up .
I was a little wary of Bree Larsons understated acting but it actually works - I like this Captain Marvel .
My only gripe was how Nick fury lost his eye. The eye-patch is an iconic image and the reason this film uses is a bit of a throwaway. Otherwise Sam L Jackson seems to be enjoying himself ., Jude Law gets a good role as well.
An enjoyable film and looking forward to the next standalone movie .
Spiderman 3 was criticised for having too many plots running at the same time and I think the same can be applied here . There's this need to involve characters from the comic books when it's not necessary . The film constantly lurches back and forth from one sub plot to another and the charm of the first film is lost along the way.
On the plus side the acting and visuals are on top form but I don't expect to see an ant Man 3 any time soon .
Very much like the Stepford wives 1970s horror . Very well directed and acted. They even throw in a few dont go in there , dont open that moments . A witty cautionary tale for any significant other no matter your background.
Blade runner 1982 was poetic in its visuals , script and portrayals. Though this film is visually effective and I liked the nihilist tone , this sequels plot seemed unfinished as if somebody wanted a franchise out of this . The main plus is the acting everyone is good . All in all a good movie but not a great movie . In 10 years time I suspect someone will remake the original 1982 movie rather than trying to extend the blade runner timeline.
I could see this as a TV series along the lines of firefly , each episode with a special guest star . This episode Woody Harrelson , the composer struggled to make this film seem epic and tried valiantly to remind you you were watching star wars .....didnt really work .
in order of priorities : visuals , cinematography, music , acting , editing , ( a distant sixth ) directing and ( somewhere at the other end of the cosmos ) ..the script
At one point , for a brief moment , i couldn't remember if i was watching star wars or star trek ... not that they look alike, but the dialogue is the same . nothing said is memorable . lots of running ,lots of explosions contrasting with blues and browns , no real humour , no real drama . actors doing their best with cliche's like 'i'm the best there is'; scenes directed without any urgency , heart or panache.
its not the disaster i thought it would be but despite the composers efforts it is a lacklustre film . Solo feels more like a tv or netflix series than motion picture .
This is a masterclass in film making . It is an adult and charming tale brilliantly acted and directed . It is very much del toro's territory (pans labyrinth and hellboy movies ) but each scene and character is handled with care and dignity . Well deserving of its awards and plaudits.
Cinema had got to the stage where these kinds of stories can now be told . creatures of imagination now meld seamlessly with live action . Directors who can match the mundane with the fantastic . The performances are strong and the script seems more polished than usual and even the guardians of the galaxy seem likeable compared to their vol2 . Perhaps the film was too big in places and you do find yourself thinking 'oh yes, i forgot about them ' . however thankfully , each segment intergates back into the main story line
I liked the previous two Avengers movies but im finally impressed with this one.
A great film is one that takes you into its world , whether its a crime drama , comedy or documentary . well written and acted , well directed and great production values . Black Panthers production values are top notch it is well directed - probably one of the best directed marvel movies . it is well written although the familiar tropes of destiny and family are at the forefront yet are far more relevant here than in other movies. The acting is good , although the lead Chadwick Boseman needs more range and more confidence for me .
it is thankfully, a more stand alone movie than say, Captain America civil war which seemed too episodic.
Black Panther's strengths are its visuals and characters, particularly supporting characters. you are interested to see what happens to them and this bodes well for future Black Panther adventures . The characters also merge easily into other locations which again is a good sign.
Watching this movie almost a year after it premiered made it difficult to watch without hearing all the plaudits echoing in your ears . It it successfully paints a world not seen before and doesn't hide from uncomfortable issues and deserve's success on its own merits. As a film I think its on par with a very good star wars or great fantasy adventure film but it is not quite a classic .
Vol 2 is still witty , with clever visuals and high paced . However it concentrates on characters that are not really interesting. Star lord is your basic space dude. The 89s music worked well in the first film and starts of well particularly the opening sequence , but it's over used and begins to drag .
the over emotional ending and I mean emotion with a capital E , seems contrived , considering your supposed to care for a pretty dispicable charscter because the music and continual close ups tell you to.
The visuals are its strong point . You don't question the CGI characters there's the usual trope of family and destiny fulfilling so nothing really new in terms of plot.
I guess vol3 will be more of the same until someone tries something new and the series bombs
Good cameo by late Stan Lee though
Like the force , this film isn't just about one person , despite the title . It's about the path taken by several people . It's about accepting who they are and doesn't underestimate the attraction of the dark side.
It's a careful and confident film . I wished I had watched the force awakens more recently as each character is introduced , however i found myself enjoying each new character as I became more familiar.
If there is one slight complaint , there is one segment that deviates from the rest of the film and don't think it that segment was necessary to introduce a particular character and the casino setting reminds me of something you would see in the George Lucas prequels
Besides that , it's the first star wars film I've enjoyed since Empire Strikes Back ... Rogue one ..ended great but for me the first half dragged and seemed padded.
I think director and writer Rhian Johnson should be allowed to finish his vision with the next film and I look forward to the next one.