Film Reviews by AW

Welcome to AW's film reviews page. AW has written 16 reviews and rated 26 films.

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This Happy Breed

Surprisingly relevant 80 years on!!

(Edit) 05/12/2022

We'll cast, beautifully scripted, interestingly filmed. We really enjoyed this classic of the cinema about a family's travails living through the London of 1919-39.

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Full-Text Hamlet is worthwhile marathon

(Edit) 15/02/2022

Filmed at Blenheim with sumptuous interiors and a huge stellar cast (Jack Lemmon as Marcellus!), this is long but definitely worth watching. Kenneth Branagh is utterly convincing as the Dane. Click on subtitles, sit back, and enjoy.

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The Band Wagon

classic musical delights

(Edit) 01/02/2022

Fred Astaire is a joy to watch, as expected. The surprise is gorgeous Cyd Charisse with wasp waist and legs that go on forever. Some wonderful laughs provided by the antics of Jack Buchanan. Some great songs.

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Tea with Mussolini

touching period piece beautifully filmed, with great actors

(Edit) 27/09/2021

First saw this at least 20 years ago, but could hardly remember it, and very glad to have had the opportunity to see it again and pay more attention.

Some great acting by Dame Maggie and Cher. And I have come to really appreciate films that are based on true life events. Very enjoyable.

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The House of Mirth

Gorgeous Gillian Anderson is destroyed by turn of the century New York's society and its rules

(Edit) 24/08/2021

Beautifully shot, costumed, acted and cast but this is not a mirthful experience. Edith Wharton's novel was satirising the cruel society of her day which objectified women and made them fit only for marriage to a meal ticket. Some of the plot twists are a bit hard to follow without the detail that the prose of the novel would provide, but overall a fine achievement.

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The Bishop's Wife

Oddly touching

(Edit) 13/08/2021

Well you can't really lose with Cary Grant in a major role. David Niven does well too. First and only time I have seen Loretta Young - very watchable.

Of course it's a fantasy but it was still well done, and - as I say, oddly touching. We were entertained.

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Bunny Lake Is Missing

dated psychological thriller is still worth a watch

(Edit) 28/06/2021

B&W with a strange role for Laurence Olivier, but it is well done and keeps you guessing. Male lead is not, finally, very convincing but overall an entertaining film.

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a moving reminder that we have come a little way - but still a way to go

(Edit) 15/06/2021

Based on a historical fact, this film is a little hard to get "into" because the dialogue is hard to hear/understand. But persevere - the dialogue isn't really all that important, but the story packs a powerful emotional and intellectual (in terms of the history of race relations in the USA) punch.

Extremely well cast and acted. We loved it.

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Cover Girl

Delightful classic song and dance movie

(Edit) 24/05/2021

Beautifully acted. Gene Kelly does a wonderful dance duet with himself! Rita Hayworth is surprisingly good at singing and dancing. Phil Silvers provides a nice foil.

they don't make them like this anymore... Great song "Long ago and far away"

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well cast rom com delights

(Edit) 10/05/2021

Jack Lemmon is just as you'd expect and Juliet Mills is wonderfully cast as the perfect foil. A bizarre link brings them together in Ischia, and Italian magic happens. A feel-good movie that hasn't dated.

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Fortunes of War

Absorbing period piece with great acting and settings

(Edit) 24/03/2021

Hard to imagine how courageous (foolish?) these people were, living in Bucharest as the Nazis began to conquer Europe. I find Emma Thompson mesmerising to watch. Kenneth Branagh isn't bad either! Haven't read the novels - don't need to. Looking forward to Part II.

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The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance

of historical interest

(Edit) 04/03/2021

1962 b&w film - interesting because I'd never seen it. Classic John Wayne role, and classic Jimmy Stewart role - the man of honour who gets the girl. Rather violent. Did NOT endear me to Lee Marvin.

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Blithe Spirit

Clever and classy

(Edit) 25/02/2021

Noel Coward's sparkling dialogue wins you over in this slightly bizarre tale of ghosts and mediums. Margaret Rutherford is of course superb as Madame Arcata, and Rex Harrison very dashing. I laughed out loud many times, rather to my surprise.

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Surprisingly engaging backward look at beauty contests

(Edit) 13/01/2021

I enjoy movies based on real events and real people. This film did not disappoint. Although I had arrived from Canada to live in the UK in 1970 I settled in the North and was soon busy bringing up a family. I was chastened to realise how little awareness I had of the beginnings of the Women's Liberation Movement. I was also embarrassed to recall that in the 50's my sister and I had enjoyed watching beauty pageants on TV.

They really were a cattle market and this film reminds us of the reality. We still have a long way to go....

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Cold War

Cold war left me cold

(Edit) 04/01/2021

Stylish but too enigmatic story of unusual love set against politically bleak times for Poland after the war.

Covers a substantial time frame, atmospheric in black & white, but finally the characters not sufficiently appealing to involve me.

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