Welcome to AER's film reviews page. AER has written 439 reviews and rated 2107 films.
This zombie film opens with a verbose prologue detailing the origins of the curse on the estate of Hobbes House. If ever the house moves away from the lineage of the family the undead will rise to protect it. I think that's the gist. The cast are a wooden bunch of dead wood stock types of estranged sisters, caddish villainous boyfriend, humble caretaker and expendable solicitor. It's pretty ordinary stuff , although the night scenes and chase scenes are fairly atmospheric. Crucially, it is NOT scary, tense or interesting, in fact it is borderline unwatchable as the terrible cast trip over the truly rotten script. At least it is finished to a professional standard unlike a lot of no-budget Brit horrors. It's a shame that, whilst ambitious, this is dead in the water from the very beginning. AWFUL. Avoid like the plague! Beautifully designed DVD / poster though.
Sorry but this was tedious and unfunny. To begin with the idea of five men playing a prolonged game of TAG / It / Tick seemed appealing and lightwork but the comedy cast make heavy work of it. I'm sorry, but this was boring and lazy. Other reviewers have detailed the plot mores for you to better effect than I can muster. Jeremy Renner is always good, but this probably felt like a paid holiday for him as there's very little work going on. I found a lot of bad taste humour pretty basic and uninventive. FAIL.
I enjoyed this, unlike most sequels it doesn't try to go bigger, bolder or more dazzling (or more boring). Like the first one it just ambles along and the fun comes in the details. The plot is negligible and the game cast entertaining - there are plotholes and a lack of logic, but in a film like Zombieland 2 who cares? It's good for one watch and is worth a look if you are a fan of the first one. It's not scary but I don't think it tries to be, it's more of an action-comedy with gore. This is world's better than Woody & Jesse's other sequel Now You See Me 2 (that was DOA), and it made me laugh, so I ain't mad at it. Zombieland 2 works, because just like the first one, it's just a dumb place-holder and embraces its slacker status.
Sorry, but I found Mary Magdalene to be a very cool customer indeed. Whilst the locations and cinematography were stunning, something was definitely amiss with the acting and the script. Following on from Lion, the director's last film, which was a huge emotionally satisfying film, this is flat and lifeless. I just couldn't connect with it and considering how wonderful the actors involved usually are, I can't understand why this was utterly uninvolving.
A crime drama from the POV of a gangster's girlfriend is very rare, and Holiday is a beguiling, shocking film that plays into our own perceptions of the opposite sex. The violence is short, sudden and shocking (like in real life) but on the whole this cold film is highly-stylised and unlikeable. It's a bleak and relentlessly horrible film, every scene is filled with the promise of violence. It's a tense watch and will be shocking to some, others will be killed off by the pace - however, this is a drama not an action-film. It also has an important message which I won't spell out for potential viewers, and it's a rewarding, unpredictable watch.
Do not watch it with your parents! There is a prolonged scene of unsimulated sex at the halfway mark.
Interesting and complex characters, occasionally questionable dialogue, good script, and unique plotting single Wind River out as a superior police drama. Set in a snowy Wyoming far from the cities, an out of her element FBI agent (Elizabeth Olsen) is assisted by a govmt sanctioned hunter (Jeremy Renner) to solve the death of a Native American teenager. The film doesn't go where you think it's going to go, and whether you like how it's resolved is the decider. Legal justice versus vigilantism?
Wind River is a muted affair not a triumphal one full of pep and vigour. It knows its characters' sadness, but occasionally the script leans in heavily on the sadness and is verbose. It's a shame as there is some excellent acting from the central pair, and a decent supporting role for Graham Greene (Dances With Wolves) and a host of unknowns.
Worth watching for those that like American crime thrillers; this is a superior page-turner that slowly tightens the screws and never loses sight of its message.
It's difficult to put my finger on quite why this documentary fails to get under the skin of its fascinating subject matter. Each year 100s of thousands of people walk the 500 mile Camino de Santiago trail through France and Spain on a pilgrimage. People do it for a variety of reasons, to turn over a new leaf, to come to terms with a loss and more. Camino Skies follows six Antipodeans on their walk, and although they share their reasons for walking - their is tragedy - somehow the film flops. This isn't a commentary on the people featured, it's just the treatment of the subject is rendered flat and ultimately lifeless. For once, I'm at a loss as to what could have improved this - the finished film just seems to have been put together without any creativity or thought to breathe life in it. It's straight forward enough but strangely uninvolving.
Loro opens with a disclaimer telling the viewer that the content of this film is made up of guess work. What follows is a really well-made portrait of the former Italian premier and his world of privilege and megalomania. We also see the lavish parties that were thrown for him filled with models and dancers. It's all fantastically cinematic and wonderful to look at as you'd expect from a film by Paolo Sorrentino. Toni Servillo as Silvio Bersculoni is super and strange, and very watchable. However, he doesn't actually turn up in the film until 40 minutes in, and the film's early leads are faded into the background around this point (incl. Riccardo Scammarcio from John Wick 2) , this made me think that it could have been at least 30 mins shorter. The best scene for me is when Silvio, missing his days of selling real-estate cold calls a stranger to talk them into selling an apartment. It's electric. I gave it a three / five because it wasn't as engrossing as it could have been, the great scenes far number the pointless, boring ones but each scene / vignette is very long so if it's not hooking you, the film loses traction. Sorrentino is a great filmmaker, a visionary who creates visual spectacles - however, he was slightly off-game with this. This is more 'This Must Be The Place' than 'The Great Beauty' or 'Youth'....
Director Todd Haynes is known for his immaculately crafted films like Carol, and Wonderstruck, but on this occasion he allows his story and the actors to do all the heavy lifting. Mark Ruffalo plays a lawyer who uncovers environmental foul play by one of the USA's largest and most powerful chemical producing companies, DuPont - the makers of Teflon. Proving that the company are behind the deaths of workers, locals, and cattle in the area surrounding their Parkersburg, West Virginia plant due to the way it disposes of hazardous waste in the land is the task. It's very interesting material but it's not cinematic. When the drama is sexed-up, like a charging bull and some grandstanding speeches, the film feels forced but the film needs this to be relatable - it's in the quieter moments that the film comes into its own. It's depressing how big business always outsteps moral duty to secure profit, and this film nails some hard truths with aplomb. However, a documentary would have been much more satisfying as you suspect that even the filmmakers have been compromised when getting the full story to the screen. PS: WTF was going on in the wardrobe department? This film has bad fitting wigs and ill-fitted clothes for miles... and what the hell is going on with Bill Camp's fake eyebrows? He looks like he got dressed on Sesame Street.
Director Gerard Johnson's 3rd film is his best ( the first two Tony and Hyena are also very good). Centring around male mental-health, toxic masculinity, steroid abuse, and weight lifting, this is an electric and very scary film. Starring Craig Fairbrass in a career best as the personal trainer from hell, you can't take your eyes off this. The lead Cavan Clerkin (new to me) is very assured as the poor guy who falls under his trainer's spell when his life takes a turn for the worse. Recommended but it is very, very dark and relentless.
Icelandic character piece which is highly atmospheric and bleak, but ends on a note of hope. The film feels like a slowly clenching fist or waiting for a bomb to go off. The lead character of a widowed policeman who discovers that his late wife was having an affair is extremely complex. A taciturn force of nature, it doesn't take long to realise that our protagonist is losing his grip on his sanity and reality. It's a slow burn, but it's ultimately very persuasive, sad, and engrossing. Incredible.
This flat sequel lacks the vitality and life that coursed through the first one. It's dead behind the eyes and beyond a few great action flicks, I found the plot to be unnecessarily convoluted (it's all quite straight forward) and ultimately difficult to believe. Benicio del Toro's character's death-dodge doesn't ring true at all... The subject matter is very interesting but the whole thing feels jaded, bored with itself, and entirely frivolous. File this in the forgettable sequels box. Go back and watch the first one, the emotion and verve difference is staggering.
This film had a real beating heart and it really took me places. It's very subtle until the film's ending which hedges its bets with a double pay-off, where one would have been ample. Otherwise, this film was touching, emotional, and engrossing every step of the way. I wanted to see this at the cinema but lockdown came along. The film is virtually silent / very quiet passages, and I can imagine it would have been hell if there were people rustling sweep wrappers and talking throughout. LOL. Celine Sciamma and her cast have delivered 2020's masterpiece in my opinion.
This lively media satire stays interesting and ends on a curiously sombre note. India's media and politicians get into a feeding frenzy lionise an impoverished (stoner) farmer's decision to commit suicide in order to capitalise on a government compensation scheme that awards surviving family members 100,00 rupees. Occasionally funny, ever knowing, and sometimes emotional, this film underlines the madness of our times when readership numbers and votes are more important than whether a man lives or dies. Crazy, yet very cool to see a non-Bollywood style film from India with something interesting to show us.
Recommended but a one-watch visit (although I've seen it twice now - once at the cinema on release back in 2010.)
Something of a cinematic 'page-turner', this fact-inspired serial-killer procedural offers up a pulpy mix. However, it's much better than it had any right to be and contains nicely restrained performances from Nicolas Cage (suitably muted), John Cusack (very creepy yet understated and expertly wrought), and Vanessa Hudgens. This is another exhibit proving that Cage can still deliver excellent performances and he's not all-out wacky in very film. I'm not sure how close to the facts this film plays - several plot-turns are sexed up for dramatic effect but most films based on fact are guilty of this. It's a minor film, but still a good thriller and reminder how good Cage and Cusack can be when given decent roles.