Welcome to JT's film reviews page. JT has written 20 reviews and rated 19 films.
Never been so bored in my life. Complex Jewish religious procedures which are of no interest at all to a non jewish viewer, with the most outlandish musical soundtrack I have ever heard.
Well I hate to be picky but I just don't get what all the fuss is about. Everyone of a certain age knows what this story is about,
but I thought this film would add some meat to the bones. There was was far too much gazing off into the distance and not
enough dialogue for my liking. Very disappointed, expected more.
This was just total and utter rubbish. Just can't bring myself to waste any more time with this. reviewing a film that is not worth the effort.
well what can I say about this film. Not a great deal really as is is not worth wasting your time or mine over such
boring drivel.
Well I can't think of anything more to say about this film than it was utter rubbish. To add insult to injury it was not on my list anyway, so god only knows why it was sent to me at all.
I liked the story but felt it could have more detailed and explicit. Seemed to be afraid of grabbing the nettle if you get what I mean.
A very sympathetic tale of tragic situation only too common now days. Very well portrayed by superb actors to a story that you know cannot have a happy ending. Thoroughly enjoyed it.
Me and my partner both enjoyed this film. Not a lot more I can say because it was not that good, just ok I guess.
Very surprised and pleased by the honesty and content of this film. I hope this
is the beginning of a new trend in the presentation of this genre of film.
Sad but compelling story with an outcome that was pretty inevitable under the circumstances.
Obviously a film that would only appeal to a small percentage of people, but I enjoyed it.
Being ex Royal Navy this film brought back memories although I was not a submariner. Enjoyed the film and so did my partner.
I enjoyed this film even if it does make you cringe at the way Americans bring up their spoiled brat kids.
Enjoyed this one, hoping the next one is as good. Liked Nick Nolte's character is very good , and makes a good addition to the story.
Sorry but I found this film extremely boring, and did not even manage to reach the end. switched off about half way through and went to bed early.
Clint Eastwood does it again with another fine film. He's getting very good in his cantankerous old timer roll he seems to have adopted lately. Very enjoyable.