Essentially this is a bad TV movie. PLEASE DO NOT ADD TO YOUR LIST. Best to choose a film you've actually heard of. My mistake. Unwatchable.
plot - weak, story - predictable, action - slow, effects - poor, acting - wooden.
it gets a 1 star rating from me and that is for how much the wooden acting made me laugh.
but after half an hour even that could not keep me interested anymore.
i have never not watched the ending to a film before nor did i this time but the next hour to the end was played on x8 speed.
Where to start?
What was it that made this such a bad film?
Cheap effects, badly directed, badly acted and badly shot.
It is not often I give up watching a film!
It is not even bad in a funny way, it is just a disaster of a movie!
Just rent any other film in the huge cinemaparadiso archive, you are guaranteed to enjoy it more than this one!