Explores the high-pressure experiences of the first responders who are thrust into the most frightening, shocking and heart-stopping situations...The 118 races to save lives when the Hollywood Reservoir dam breaks and adjust to life as first responders during the pandemic. Bobby worries if Athena is ready for field duty since recovering from her injuries...Athena investigates a mysterious murder during a neighborhood block party. The 118 rush to save lives endangered by a bomb threat. Chimney has a hard time keeping secrets when Maddie and Buck's parents come to town...When a famous mystery writer dies, Athena, Bobby and the 118 respond to the chaos caused by a city-wide manhunt for buried treasure the author left behind...In the aftermath of the shooting, Athena and the 118 are on high alert when a sniper is targeting members of the LAFD. Meanwhile, Maddie makes a life decision...
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