Explores the high-pressure experiences of the first responders who are thrust into the most frightening, shocking and heart-stopping situations...A series of ransomware threats leads to an overabundance of emergencies for the 118, including a medevac helicopter crash at a hospital and an air-traffic control tower system failure. Meanwhile Athena must revisit her traumatic attack when the case of the realtor serial rapist goes to trial, Eddie suffers a health scare and Maddie's postpartum depression worsens...The 118 face an awkward rescue call when a man over-exerts himself exercising, and race to an explosion at a retirement community. Hen and Eddie, as well as Buck and Ravi, have rocky starts to their new partnerships...The 118 race to rescue a man who claims he was carjacked, shot and buried alive, and then arrive at a home where the owner thinks her roommate is a ghost. Hen receives a visit from the past...
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