Wild alternative comedian Charlie Chuck, Laurence R. Harvey who played Martin in 2011’s ‘The Human Centipede 2’ and Seamus O'Neill who had played deeply perverse David in 2011’s ‘Inbred’, all play some of the titular characters in this bizarre low budget horror comedy/satire. With cast-members like that, as well as other faces that may be recognisable from television, you would think a wild ride was on the cards – but none of them are encouraged to contribute as much custom insanity as you might hope.
“Effenbe. B – b – buckets!”
Is this something that desperately wants to be a ‘cult’ film, is it a satire on ‘the establishment’ or simply creators having fun with a grotesque selection of gore, excrement and pigs? As events become bigger and more spectacular and the most interesting characters expire, it threatens to lose that spark of madness, but remains a convincingly perverse, grotesque world. My score is 6 out of 10.
For those of your who don't know this is directed by the guy who plays Paddy, the vet in Emmerdale, Dominic Brunt. He is a huge horror fan and has directed and even starred in quite a few horror films now.
As for what the film is like; low budget, mad gory fun. The acting isn't bad, the FX are damn good apart from the occasional dodgy CGI here and there but it is all enjoyable, weird, gross fun from start to finish.
Oh and it also stars Charlie Chuck! Donkey!!!!!