As a Stallone fan, I chose to watch this as he was in it. Well it turns out to be a poorly scripted, low budget, very strange drama.
Stallone does not feature very much until the end of the film, where he is in a shootout with a gang of baddies.
If like me you usually enjoy Stallone movies, give this one a miss, he has been in a lot better. It beats me why an actor of his standing would get involved in this tripe, it's not like he's short of money.
The worst film I've ever seen. Absolutely nothing good about it. So badly made, so badly acted...really, really poor.
I knew this was going to be bad the moment Stallone was second billed behind someone I've never heard of.
No characterisation, no characters to root for, lazy direction, incoherent story and soap opera acting.
Stallone must've owed someone a favour to appear to appear in this tripe