Another unfathomable piece of rubbish from the Coen brothers. What started as a story degenerated into "is this really happening or is it in someone's mind?" It's about time people started confronting the Coen brothers and saying "your bizarre films don't impress anyone beyond your psychiatrists"
I loved the first half of this movie. The characters, direction, context, dialogue. The supporting characters in particular were larger than life and memorable - whether Lipnik the producer or the souse old hand sell-out writer, and his wife.
Then, half way through, the handbrake turn - and what was a enjoyable movie about the movie business becomes tricksy, surreal - and for me - boring. Many people will like that stuff - but I don't consider it nearly as clever as it considers itself. It also makes the story unbelievable, trite and turgid.
I would have preferred this to NOT take that turn at the half way point at all, but to continue as a great movie about Hollywood, where a new and serious writer finds himself having to sell out and writer B-movies under contract.
So 3 stars overall.
5 stars for the first half though.