Decent cast and of course, Keaton is superb as always.
But the film just meanders around pointlessly for the most part. And by the time it was done it tought me 3 important lessons. 1. Its fine to break agreements 2. Making big, stupid mistakes is fine because someone will always bale you out and 3. If you dont like someone, there life is irrelevant.
Its a pity as so much more could of been made with this cast.
This very belated sequel to Tim Burton's second film, Beetlejuice (1988), is as eccentric as the first and would be a rather silly and pointless effort without Michael Keaton reprising the title character role. This comedy/horror has that same vibe as the reboot of the Ghostbusters series and the jokes are as intermittent as the Men In Black series too. In other words I just don't understand who these films are actually aimed at. There are some funny moments in this, not least a wedding sequence which had me laugh out loud a few times, yet overall it's a varied affair that showcases Burton's carnivalesque visions and Keaton's zany comedy persona. Winona Ryder returns now with her own daughter played by Jenna Ortega who gets into scrapes with ghosts and has to be rescued using Beetlejuice to get her home. Justin Theroux, Catherine O'Hara, Willem Dafoe assist in various roles along with Monica Bellucci and a cameo from Danny DeVito. A film you have to question as to why? It passes the time but overall it's all a bit lame.
An absolute mess of sub-plots with very little substance. This needed a script editor with a chainsaw. It’s such a slapdash affair I’m surprised it’s not actually a Netflix movie. Moderately entertaining, but where the original felt effortlessly weird, this is trying very hard.