Being a mere toddler when this was first released I didn't come into this viewing with any nostalgia. Overall it was an amusing enough film to watch and the story kept me entertained enough to the end. But I'd probably not recommend it for three reasons:
1) It's not really very funny. The Banana Boat Song at the dinner table made me laugh, but that's about it.
2) The special effects aren't appalling but they don't cut it in this day and age.
3) Beetlejuice as a character is totally lame and a pervert. And he barely features in it.
Glenn Shaddix was good as Otho and you could tell Winona Ryder was going somewhere with her career but even her character was 2D.
Having seen the film many years ago, wanted to watch this again but I'm afraid Michael Keeton sort of spoils this film by being too far over the top compared with the other characterisations, which are all low-key.
Some nice bits and pieces - the reception area for the dead, the characters in there - with the ghosts wanting everyone out of their house, which most people would relate to if the supernatural/paranormal existed as portrayed.
As indicated, the Banana Boat Song sequence was different and amusing and the ending was acceptable but to my mind, the film is over-rated to a degree.
this it tim burton at his best. very wacky very weird very tim. loved every minute of it one of tims best films well worth the watch