Have only just discovered Blindspot but have loved every episode of the first season. Sullivan Stapeloton has always been good at the strong, silent type with just an edge of vulnerablity and a quick smile and the ensamble cast as a whole have been really well cast. But it is Jamie Alexander that steals the scene and the show as Jane Doe. To mix the special forces training with the confusing and misunderstanding of where she comes from and who she is would be a diicult challenge but she is able to pull it off with wonderful style and charm.
Now it is not 24, which in my opion was the best thing ever but well worth a watch.
Each episode is only 40mins long and most epeisodes (but not all) are to do with Jane's tattooed body and what clues they give to current crimes. You can watch one episode very easily but one episode turns to two, turns to three so if time is precious be warned it is addictive.
Looking forwward to season 2.
I only watched the first disc in Series 1 of this thriller. This movie was not to my liking and whilst the action sequences were quite good, the general storyline was very weak. There are multiple plots in each episode which makes each plot unsubstantial in its depth and therefore totally lacking in any mystery or intrigue. If you compare it to series like 24 or Homeland, then it pales into insignificance.
Not worth renting even for cold winter nights when there is little showing on satellite TV.