The more usual name for this film is STAMBUL GARDEN which is the name of the Young Adult Novel it is adapted from, by the author Finn-Ole Heinrich and another.
It is very soapy, really, a bit Hollyoaks or similar, with 18 year old characters ending school and pondering their futures.
What lets this down is a need to be gratuitous re sexual imagery - GRATUITOUS is the word. Many movies/TV drama now do this, show male nudity, includng arouses prosthetics - it is unnecessary and exploitative, The female equivalent would be sticking a camera between a woman's legs when she is naked and aroused. Never see that on film so why the need for this? #Metoo? Well stuff #metoo then, it is nothing but sexist abuse.
I am no prude at all, and do not mind ANY sexual imagery when the film/story requires it. This, however, is just exploitation and male nudity for its own sake, MAYBE if they balanced with an aroused female between the legs shot it would at least represent gender equality...
Without these unnecessary scenes, this could have passed for 15 or under and thus reached its target audience of teenagers.
The Turkish/ethnic/Istanbul theme ticks the usual ethnoboxes of woke, SO many children's and young adult books and films do the same now. But as this is German, with a huge Turkish population, that makes it unusual, for UK audiences anyway.
It becomes a travelogue really, a road movie in a way, an adventure abroad - like the INBETWEENERS but not funny.
One big issue for me is I did not believe the events portrayed OR the characters' reactions to them.
The subtitles also got stuck/jammed at one point, an issue I solved by rewinding a playing again, but it should not happen.
anyway, cut the gratuitous misandrist smut and end the film well, structure it better, and it could be 4 stars.
As it is 2.5 stars rounded up.