I see they are remaking this or have done - predictably with a black female director and screenplay from the man who wrote GET OUT (who also says films with white people in have no interest for him - such utter racism! The characters matter NOT the skin colour).
Anyway, this is fun and there are several points than made me jump out of my skin. Funny how all actors in it white and black disappeared without trace though.
Remember that this is based on a horror novel by a white British man, Clive Barker. No doubt people yell STAY IN YOUR LANE at him now. It was Mr Barker who came up with the classic stare in the mirror and say the name 5 times shtick. Perfect. I can imagine youngsters doing that and being disappinted when sod all happens lol.
One thing has always puzzled me though - why Candymen takes revenge on the poor black people. Supposedly as they didn't help him in the legend but still doesn;t quite work logically. Nor does the whole bee thing, though it looks good. And as for the toilet scene and what happens to the boy - a lot of this just does not make sense and is here for pure imagery and the look of it. Fair enough.
Reminds me of SHE actually - and those old Egyptian mummy films with a modern woman who looks like an ancient princess in a picture.
3 stars for the film and 1 extra star for the brilliant Philip Glass soundtrack. I bet the remake uses awful rap and R&B. Yawn.