Rent Conspiracy (2001)

4.0 of 5 from 118 ratings
1h 36min
Rent Conspiracy Online DVD & Blu-ray Rental
  • General info
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By the winter of 1942, Hitlers dream of Aryan supremacy had become a nightmare. His armies could be found freezing and starving on the Eastern front, and Americas fighting forces had just entered the war in the West. On January 20th of that year, 15 Nazi officials attended a conference at Wannsee on the outskirts of Berlin. Organized by SS Major Adolf Eichmann (Stanley Tucci) under the direction of the ruthless and efficient Chief of Security Reinhard Heydrich (Kenneth Branagh), it was to be a polite conference with food, wine and some debate, but beneath this veneer of manners lay an evil intent.
By the meetings close, the fete of six million lives would be decided with the decision that the Jews of Europe were to be exterminated in what would become known as the Holocaust.
, , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Nick Gillott
Voiced By:
Rod Culbertson
Narrated By:
Rod Culbertson
Loring Mandel
Action & Adventure, Classics, Drama
Getting to Know..., Getting to Know: Kenneth Branagh
Release Date:
Run Time:
96 minutes
English Dolby Digital 5.1
English, English Hard of Hearing
DVD Regions:
Region 2
Aspect Ratio:
Widescreen 1.78:1 / 16:9
  • Two Featurettes
  • Cast and Director Bios

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Reviews (5) of Conspiracy

chilling dramatisation - Conspiracy review by CP Customer

Spoiler Alert

If you have any interest in WWII history this is a must see. Kenneth Branagh and his supporting cast are amazing and really bring this real story to life. The calculated way in which the 'Solution to the Jewish Question' was arrived at and the open way in which statistics from the experimentation/abuse of the disabled were used to help reach their final conclusions was disturbing.

2 out of 2 members found this review helpful.

Consipracy - Conspiracy review by HL

Spoiler Alert

I really wanted to see this, having seen it on TV when it first came out, and thought it excellent. But alas the disc wouldn't play. It had quite a big mark on it, which I think was a scratch. Certainly, I couldn't wipe it off. I had to send it back unseen.

Please please send me another.

1 out of 3 members found this review helpful.

Brilliant Must-see Film about Wannsee and the Final Solution - Conspiracy review by PV

Spoiler Alert

I watched this on TV when it first came out. Now watching it again I realise how brilliant it is - the writing, first of all. Then the acting and direction.

All schoolkids should watch this at school too.

Watch till the end to see what happened to some of the 15 men at the Wannsee conference which so casually, politely and legally talked of mass genocide. As always, only a couple brought to justice.

Many escaped it and lived to old age in the 80s - unlike their victims. Remember, only 3% of SS and Gestapo were ever brought to justice.

5 stars. Classic TV. A must-see.

0 out of 0 members found this review helpful.

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