I watched this for fun, and the film is dated late 60s hippy horror fun - with a late 60s and jazz soundtrack, lingo of the time and dated echo sound effects. Hard to think this is only a decade after the truly great horror films such as Dracula and Frankenstein.
Peter Cushing was a brilliantly expressive actor who, in our days of mumbling naturalism, probably would not even have a career (and not as an older white man with a posh English accent)> Shame.
Hilarious scenes in this., It's all pre-meetoo etc - thankfully! Reminds me in a weird way of much later film UNDER THE SKIN - maybe the beach scene?? - or AMERICAN MARY re Cosmetic Surgery.
The title is bad though - who came up with 'Corruption'.? The alternative title 'Carnage' is better. I'd prefer FACE ACHE... or NOT THE FACE.
See Tony Blair's father-in-law Tony Booth as an exploitative glamour photographer grappling with Peter Cushing.
Oh how all these plots would fall apart with DNA testing, CCTV and mobile phones...
Btw the director of this was a 50s TV director who then make lots of hippy-chick films in the 60s. Nothing from 1974 then died in his mid-50s in 1977.
3 stars