The good news is that this series is a massive improvement on the largely godawful Series 11. We get an ongoing story arc that builds to a cracking finale, and rather than being a one-note smiley mum, Jodie Whittaker's Doctor gets some moments of darkness and - gasp - actual drama and conflict with the other members of the TARDIS team. The central storyline also manages to both deepen our knowledge of the Doctor's past whilst adding yet more layers of mystery, which is always a good thing.
It's not all perfect however. There still isn't enough for three companions to do, and the series is perhaps too reliant on shock returning monsters and other elements from the past (opener 'Spyfall' is a good example - it's full of furious action and leans heavily on a returning villain, but contains some very messy storytelling). And whilst the central spine of this series is good (all the Cyberman/Timeless Child stuff), the entirely original episodes tends towards dullness ('Orphan 55', 'Praxeus', 'Can You Hear Me?'). The best of the entirely original episodes is probably 'Nikola Tesla's Night of Terrors', but even that is let down by some laughable monsters that seem to have been lifted directly from 'The Runaway Bride'. Chibanll's era just cannot seem to produce any interesting or memorable monsters, at all.
But uneven as it is, the overall trend is definitely upwards. After watching Series 11, I was so depressed I couldn't even bring myself to watch Series 12 on first broadcast. Having finally seen it, I am now excited for the future again - so that's a big turnaround. Roll on Series 13.
Not quite the Doctor I remember. It used to be an eccentric old man and one companion. Now there are so many groupies (6?) I've lost count.
She performs well this episode but I still find a female doctor a little jarring... bit like if you switched on Pride and Prejudice and found it was a group of lads getting married off. Mind you, that could be quite amusing...