Based on a true story, Geronimo revolves around the character of Lieutenant Britton Davis, a young rookie officer who is sent along with another officer and an old army scout to track down the Indian warrior Geronimo and bring him and his people to live on a government approved reservation. After Geronimo and others become restless and leave the reservation to claim back their land Davis is again sent off to bring back the warrior, though what should be a simple task soon develops into bloodshed in which Davis questions the morality of his own governments actions. The acting is great, the story holds your attention throughout and Geronimo's tale is told in a a sympathetic and thought provoking way. If you enjoy this you should also check out the excellent 'Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee' and ‘Broken Trail’.
Good film well acted & stunning visual scenery.Wes Studi plays the part well(not quite as evil as Magua in Last of the Mohicans) but more thought provoking about the
treachery of the USA government.
Is this an attempt at righting history here in regards the cinematic treatment of the American Indian? It certainly looks like it on the surface but I think it's actually a competent western with the wrong title. This isn't really about Geronimo (Wes Studi) but more about the men who hunted him and were responsible for persuading him to surrender. With Jason Patric and Matt Damon the main protagonists. The film dwells on deep orange sunsets in its depiction of the dry Arizona desert scapes and in between are a series of chases, long scenes of exposition and some bloody shoot outs with a narration by Damon's character to fill in the gaps. It steals from several other westerns not least the famous Ten Bears speech from The Outlaw Josey Wales (1976). Ultimately this is a meandering tale that is a big anti climax despite the prestigious cast that includes Gene Hackman and Robert Duvall.