More than just revenge
- Gran Torino review by CP Customer
Gran Torino is another superb film from Clint, offering so much more than revenge as its main theme. This emotional rollercoaster will have you laughing, cringing at Walt's outdated racist views and being touched by the generosity of others. The film is noticeable for its lack of music, special effects and those explosions that dominate most films nowadays. Gang culture plays a part in proceedings, but the film also looks at how we treat the elderly and our greed towards possessions being left behind. Guilt also features, as Walt comes to terms with his past and the decline of his neighbourhood and family. It may be too late to save everything, but he can build some bridges and repair some damage. If this does turn out to be his last appearance as an actor, then its a fitting end to a marvellous career.
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Grand Entertainment
- Gran Torino review by CP Customer
Clint is fab as the grumpy neighbourhood old timer who ends up being a hero. Gentle humour throughout and a very watchable film that comes highly recommended.
3 out of 3 members found this review helpful.
Classic Eastwood
- Gran Torino review by DB
This is classic angry man turns good Eastwood. He does it so well and for any Clint fans it's a must. I liked it a lot even though it's predictable in a lot of ways although the ending was unexpected. Clint doesn't pull any punches in this living on the edge man takes law into his own hands movie but it also has a lot of pathos and you empathise with the characters. There's some good moments but it's very much in the Eastwood mould and so it's definitely worth a look.
2 out of 2 members found this review helpful.
Excellent film!
- Gran Torino review by CP Customer
I really enjoyed this movie. Clint Eastwood is brilliant as a grumpy old man. You are left with lots to think about. I recommend this.
2 out of 2 members found this review helpful.
- Gran Torino review by CP Customer
A very enjoyable film that made me laugh, cry and gave me plenty to think about. Another Clint Eastwood great, not as fast paced as some others but with just as much impact.
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Thought Provoking Drama
- Gran Torino review by GI
Had this been Clint Eastwood's final screen role it might have been a fitting end to his acting career and the screen persona that he has become known for. He has of course appeared in films since and yet this still seems to be a concluding chapter in some aspect of his cinema appearances. It was at one tome reported this was to have been a final 'Dirty Harry' film and I don't know if that was ever the case but here Eastwood has the gravelly voice and hard bitten crustiness of several of his previous characters including Harry Callahan or Gunnery Sgt Highway or even Ben Shockley. Here he plays Walt, recently widowed, grumpy and bigoted, a Korean War veteran who decries the changes to American society he sees around him including the influx of immigrant families into his neighbourhood. In many ways he epitomises the generation of older people who struggle with multiculturalism and the attitudes of younger generations who they see as lacking moral fibre and respect. So Walt is horrified when an asian family move into the house next door to him and he is less than surprised when the young son Thao (Bee Vang) attempts one night to steal his prized 1972 Gran Torino car. But forced by his family to make amends Thao has to do chores for Walt and soon they bond with Walt finding a relationship he has never had with his own two sons. When Thao and his sister are harassed and assaulted by a local street gang Walt decides to act. The set up is therefore for a revenge/vigilante narrative but Eastwood, as director, defies expectations and the film concludes in a way that plays against type. There's conflicting issues at play here and perhaps the bigotry of Walt is overplayed making his actions more contrasting than they needed to be. Eastwood also plays with issues of the role of the church in American society, in this case the Catholic Church, but Walt's initial cynicism is overcome in a way that jars with the character and story arc and I'm unconvinced this works. In any event whichever way the film is viewed as either a scrutiny of generational bias and bigotry or a story of redemption for past sins it's an interesting film in Eastwood's canon.
1 out of 1 members found this review helpful.
A brilliant anti-hero movie.
- Gran Torino review by CP Customer
This is easily one the best films Clint Eastwood has done, and if true that this is his final acting appearance then what a fitting end to a great career. It's a great character led story with great performance from Eastwood as an aged bad tempered man, who dislikes his family, dislikes his neighbourhood yet forms a unlikely bond with the Korean family next door and makes a stand against a small gang who are intimidating the local community. A must see film.
1 out of 2 members found this review helpful.
- Gran Torino review by CP Customer
For most actors/directors, this film would be a career defining moment. For Eastwood though, this is just another magnificent addition to a staggering career. The film is a character piece and Eastwood's Kowalski is worthy of 2 hours of your time. His screen presence is second to none, the simple plot develops at a comfortable pace and the denouement is breathtaking. Eastwood's career has been long and distinguished and yet when it's finally reviewed, gems like this in his later years will go down as genuine highlights.
1 out of 1 members found this review helpful.
Cringeingly non-PC
- Gran Torino review by JD
At the time of writing there were 3 other reviews which said what I was going to type. In addition I want to add that Clint's character is similar to his previous roles, and utterly fantastic because of that. The bit I liked in particular is his completely cynical contempt of his children and grandchildren, accurate as it transpires. This film explores racism, bullying and prejudice, gently and neutrally hardly noticed under the macho frontage. Loved it.
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