Inspired by a true story, this is the tale of a group of criminals serving time in prison. Colin Briggs (Clive Owen) and his cell mates are forced to tend to the gardens by the prison warden and soon discover that they have a real talent for this work and end up at the Hampton Court Garden Show. It's a better than average human spirit surmounting the odds story and is well acted/directed. Perfect Sunday afternoon viewing.
I was looking for films with Clive Owen and came across this rather pleasant, lightweight British comedy...
I usually find Mr Owen to be a bit of a 'wooden' actor but here his singularly unsmiling features work well as a prisoner who finds redemption through gardening. The film has an excellent cast - the aforementioned Clive Owen, Helen Mirren, Warren Clarke, the late David Kelly and also the tiresome Danny Dyer (yes, I'm sure many like him - but not me...).
It tells an somewhat old-fashioned tale of how a group of prisoners at an open prison are redeemed, their lives turned round, by a new-found interest in gardening, culminating in an entry to a prestigious RHS show and with a little twist at the end.
It's the sort of film that seems so very British and could probably be described as 'charming'. Not bad, undemanding, mildly entertaining - I'll give it 3/5 stars.