Fun movie which works as a kind of sequel to Dr. Strangelove (1964) - with a dash of the Statue of Liberty from Planet of the Apes (1968) and a little Mad Max 2 (1981) vibe. This movie even lifts lines of dialogue from 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) and a repeated "When Johnny Comes Marching Home" musical cue from Dr. Strangelove.
Moreover, the plot of rescuing women from the villain's harem is similar to Mad Max: Fury Road (2015). It's almost as if the Mad Max movie refashioned a plot from the older movie which they thought nobody had ever heard-of and, so, could get away with copying one which had partly-copied an earlier entry in the Mad Max franchise. Or maybe the producers of the latter thought: Sauce for the goose...
The post-apocalyptic world presented here wants to re-populate itself after the nuclear holocaust by utilising the sexiest women to ensure that the few remaining fertile-men are aroused enough to engage in energetic, regular & polygynous procreation.
The saving grace of this film is that it does not take itself too seriously so that the audience doesn't have to. Sandahl BERGMAN, Roddy PIPER, Julius LEFLORE, Cec VERRELL & Rory CALHOUN work-well together and they understand full-well that they are in a B-movie with lots of absurd humour and action, not a Shakespeare production. Additionally, the frog creature-effects are excellent for such a low-budget movie: USD$1.5 million.
Ultimately, however, it's difficult to figure-out how film-studio executives ever greenlighted this movie, unless they had just snorted an entire line of cocaine before the business meeting where it was pitched. Whomever sold it must have been the greatest movie-idea salesman in film history. And I'm sure glad that they were.