Unlike the previous review, I watched it sober and thoroughly enjoyed it. The ideas, the camera work, are all part of this well thought out film. Unique. One would think with the camera work that it could be a nature documentary but with great editing and sounds from a rural village (so thereby Life is slower), yes, one should very much sit back, relax, and enjoy this well produced gently amusing imaginative film; without the use of drugs as suggested by the last reviewer who must miss out on other well crafted films.
It is how I imagine an acid trip. Long scenes focussing on textures, and minute detail. Virtually no dialogue. Scenes connected very abstractly. Smiling old men with hiccoughs. There are also some slightly shocking moments. Caught in the gentle beauty of a bee-keeper lifting honey combs with curls of smoke evocatively drifting through the air a bee is carefully picked out and squashed. Scurrying through their tunnel a mole catches a worm and eats it ravenously. He is then in turn killed with the spade of a gardener. Each moment detailed in close up with faint noises and textures explored. Watched sober it is pretty boring. This is definitely for drug fuelled viewing.