Rent Infinity Pool (2023)

2.9 of 5 from 287 ratings
1h 53min
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While staying at an isolated island resort, James (Alexander Skarsgård) and Em (Cleopatra Coleman) are enjoying a perfect vacation of pristine beaches, exceptional staff, and soaking up the sun. But guided by the seductive and mysterious Gabi (Mia Goth), they venture outside the resort grounds and find themselves in a culture filled with violence, hedonism, and untold horror. A tragic accident leaves them facing a zero tolerance policy for crime: either you'll be executed, or, if you're rich enough to afford it, you can watch yourself die instead.
, , , Dunja Sepcic, , , , , , , , , Lena Juka Stambuk, Kristóf Kovács, , , , , , Hajnalka Zsigár
Andrew Cividino, Rob Cotterill, Jonathan Halperyn, Karen Harnisch, Anita Juka, Daniel Kresmery, Christina Piovesan, Noah Segal
Brandon Cronenberg
Universal Pictures
Horror, Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Thrillers
Release Date:
Run Time:
113 minutes
English Dolby Digital 5.1, German Dolby Digital 5.1
English Hard of Hearing, German
DVD Regions:
Region 2
Aspect Ratio:
Widescreen 1.78:1 / 16:9
Release Date:
Run Time:
118 minutes
English DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1, German DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1
Danish, English Hard of Hearing, Finnish, German, Norwegian, Swedish
Aspect Ratio:
Widescreen 1.78:1 / 16:9
BLU-RAY Regions:

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Reviews (5) of Infinity Pool

Frustrating Watch - Infinity Pool review by griggs

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Infinity Pool is a fascinating yet frustrating watch. Brandon Cronenberg’s lack of a distinct voice leaves this feeling like a pastiche of his father’s work. The premise is intriguing, but the repetitive second and third acts sap the film of tension and fresh ideas, making it feel overlong and undercooked. Mia Goth delivers another captivating performance, but the film’s structural failings make her performance feel overcooked. Despite its flaws, there’s an undeniable curiosity to Cronenberg’s approach, and while this one doesn’t fully land, I’m intrigued to see where he takes his craft next.

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Style over Substance, in silly over-rated Sci-Fi Nonsense which thinks it is big & clever but isn't - Infinity Pool review by PV

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I hated this. I suspect if you're a Gen Zee Teen you'll find the explicit sex and violent and psychedelic drug dreamscapes fresh and new and dangerous; for anyone over 25, it's a case of SEEN IT ALL BEFORE.

I did not believe it, not a bit or the characters - their motivations, make-ups, reactions.

One thing that annoys me re this and MANY new movies and TV dramas is how female characters force themselves on men and boys, kiss them, grope them, sexually assault then AND worse, these male characters always comply, give in to the forceful female forcing herself on him and is shown to be passive and to enjoy being sexually assaulted, used, abused, even raped (by legal definition). Not on at all.

I see it SO much now, incl in READY PLAYER ONE and other movies, where a woman or girl forces herself on a man or boy to kiss or worse, and he passively agrees ALWAYS.

CAN YOU IMAGINE it the other way round? Male characters forcing women and girls to have sex? And the females shown as passively complying and enjoying sexual assault?

I do not care about the sexual imagery - but it is GRATUITOUS and MISANDRIST here and in many modern movies, that is my problem, And if you want sex, watch hardcore porn, Plenty online and on DVD.

Also, use of prosthetics has been demeaning to men - the equivalent is a camera shoved between a female character's legs, right up there, showing everything. Well if this abuse of males and femihypocrisy is what the #metoo mob mean by gender equality, mighty I suggest they get a dictionary for Winterval next year?

Reminds me of other over-rated and unbelievable recent sci-fi movies such as OLD, US, and TRIANGLE OF SADNESS. I have them 1* too.

For a decent horror film in the same vein, I'd recommend MIDSOMMAR. Not this.

1 star

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Flawed Body Horror - Infinity Pool review by GI

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This is a shockingly graphic body horror film with boundary pushing sex scenes and some eye watering gore. There is something rather unfulfilling about it though and once it's over you're left with a vague feeling of being unsatisfied and the shock elements don't make up for it. Alexander Skarsgård, once again stepping away from his hunky man persona, plays James who along with his wife Em, (Cleopatra Coleman) are taking a holiday on a plush island resort on a fictitious island. The guests are restricted to staying on the resort but fellow guests, the enigmatic and beautiful Gabi (Mia Goth) and Alban (Jalil Lespert), befriend the couple and entice them to go to a remote beach. On the way back a drunken James runs over and kills a local leading to his arrest. Draconian local laws stipulate the punishment for his crime is death but James is offered an alternative and his decision pushes him into a surreal world of hedonistic violence and depraved sex. Director Brandon Cronenberg seems to be taking up his father's mantle again here with his emphasis on body horror that in this narrative seems linked to hallucingenic drug abuse but thematically it's some sort of treatise on entitlement. James is lured into the strange world far too readily as if the director wants to hurriedly get to the shocks without really focusing on the themes he's attempting to expose. Mia Goth is once again a stand out here, she is beautiful, mysterious and dominates the film but overall this is not an enjoyable film although fans of Cronenberg senior will relish his son continuing his legacy.

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Critic review

Infinity Pool review by Mark McPherson - Cinema Paradiso

It feels like there’s a lot of pressure on Brandon Cronenberg to live up to the legacy of surreal horror like his father and after his amazing film Possessor from 2020. Infinity Pool has a lot of expectations for becoming something equal parts erotic and grotesque to fit the fascination of the director’s themes. While this movie doesn’t reach the same levels of provocativeness present in Possessor, it’s still a solid dose of trippy and nightmarish weirdness that digs deep into the soul’s darkest areas.

The film finds the struggling author James Foster (Alexander Skarsgård) trying to gain inspiration while on a beach-side vacation with his wife Em (Cleopatra Coleman). While relaxing at the resort on the island of Li Tolqa, they befriend the couple of Gabi (Mia Goth) and Alban Bauer (Jalil Lespert). James seems to have made an impression on the couple. During dinner, they lavish James with praise for his writing. When in private, Gabi gives him a surprise handjob. The vacation takes a dark turn when James hits a man on a night outing around the resort and kills him. Despite the advice of the Bauer’s to cover up the murder to avoid unjust punishment on the island, it’s no use.

The island has a weird method for punishing those who commit crimes. Under their traditions, they have an eye-for-eye mentality. They argue that if James killed a man, then the family should be allowed to kill him. Weirdly enough, a loophole can prevent James from ending up dead on his trip. The island harbors a cloning program where James can be cloned, and the family can kill the clone. The caveat is that James has to watch as his cloned body is murdered in front of him. While he’s free to go after witnessing the gruesome sight, the experience messes with his mind of James and makes Em disgusted with how James watched his death without much shock.

James then falls down a rabbit hole of other tourists who have experienced the cloned punishment. Rather than be horrified and leave this island behind, those who have watched their death welcome James into their fold. They look upon this system as something to be exploited. After all, if murder can be so easily avoidable as the ultimate punishment, what good are laws anymore? Through some convincing (and a lot of drinking and drugs), James is convinced to stay on the island and delight in all the illegality. They break into houses, have orgies, and get incredibly violent if somebody goes against their plans. It’s a hole so deep that James becomes increasingly animalistic and nihilistic, to the point where he fights himself.

Much like Possessor, Infinity Pool is loaded with sex and violence. Everything from the psychedelic haze of the orgies to the vicious, bloody executions is surreal. That said, it’s not as provocative as the previous film, which touched on identity and sexuality. This film settles for the easier ground of peering into the animal-like nature of mankind and slathering it within the familiar coating of screw-it-all crime romp. The good news is that performances sell this story so well, where it’s a real treat watching Skarsgård grow increasingly frustrated with his life while Goth gets giddy with a wine bottle and pistol on the hood of a moving car.

Infinity Pool may not be Brandon Cronenberg at his best, but it does showcase that the director still has a style he holds true towards. All of his hallmarks for tilted cameras and off-putting cerebral storytelling keep him firmly in the realm of high-concept horror that goes a bit beyond than most. So, in case it needed to be said, this is not a picture for the squeamish or those unable to read between the lines of one man’s descent into existential dread and wild sex parties. For those already engrossed in the world of the Cronenbergs, this is a solid film within that realm.

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