This is a wonderful comedy series - which, sadly, has become of a victim of the BBC's notorious PC Stalinist censorship and has effectively been banned from ever being shown on TV again. Why? The BBC commandants have declared it 'racist'. Well, actually, no - the characters are all caricatures - that's all. And the joke is always on the white British too! It does not mock or demean or incite racism against the Asians! The BBC really are full of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was written by two men who had served in the army in India during the war and the characters are types - the white Brits and the Indians. Not racist at all. The main Indian is played by a white Brit - but one who grew up in India so spoke fluent Urdu! I challenge anyone to say his performance is somehow inauthentic!............
Windsor Davies, Don Estelle et al are great character actors and this is a great comedy. Why? Because it is FUNNY - with a serious side too - and it always makes me laugh. This is FAR better than any so-called 'comedy' on the BBC today too.
One could never ever imagine the Germans or the Indians making a TV series half as funny: other nations just won't mock themselves as the British do here...............................
A superb Britich comedy from before the BBC went mental and unfunny! Five stars +!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!